Wayne Rowlands Silver Water Optimal Gut Health Rebuilder Kit

Individuals have come to Wayne Rowland with a vast range of issues. In his experience, there are essentially two categories of people: those who heavily rely on and adhere to the guidance of trained medical professionals, who dictate the treatments they undergo, and those who are more self-sufficient and take full accountability for their well-being. The latter group is typically more willing to explore various options in order to avoid turning to prescribed medical remedies.

  1. Patients with medical conditions
  2. Medically free individuals

An efficient Gut Rebuilder Program offers significant advantages to both groups. The first group, under the guidance of a physician, can benefit greatly from a strengthened gut. This is because doctors often recommend treatments that can harm gut health.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend in the medical community for staff to be trained with the belief that completely eradicating all bacteria will ultimately result in better health outcomes for patients. However, this approach can have devastating effects on gut health, which is crucial for the body’s natural defense and repair processes, as well as overall well-being.

When your gut health is compromised, you have probably sought out a doctor’s help in the first place. Sick gut health leads to sick body, mind, and soul health. In addition to treating the symptoms, you can get your gut health back in order, and you will find that it can heal many of your problems as well.

The independent second group, they probably have a healthier gut health, but they can also greatly benefit from powerful gut supplementation when they are considering a hardcore detox program that might compromise their gut health. In the world of medical care, powerfully supercharged gut health is already well known, as it makes any treatment regimen even more effective and productive.

In addition to increasing the body’s ability to rebuild and regenerate, the Gut Rebuilder Program has many other benefits. As a result, the immune system and digestion are enhanced; together they breakdown nutrition and distribute the nutrients that pass through the physiological system in a way that is beneficial to the body parts and components.

In terms of prescription medications, gut health can improve the metabolism of the chemicals being used, increasing absorption, and decreasing side effects.

One benefit most of us didn’t expect is that super gut health improves your mental health. As a result of treatment regimens, patients often suffer from fatigue, declining self-confidence, ruminating, depression, anxiety, memory loss, and other mental health issues. Most doctors fail to comprehend the connection between gut-health and mental-health.

A partial list of standard treatments and conditions that benefit greatly from the Gut Rebuilder Program follows.

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Celiac disease
  • CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • CKD (chronic kidney disease)
  • Depression
  • Detoxification of heavy metals
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases caused by Lyme bacteria
  • Diseases of the skin
  • Disorders of the mood
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Functional Dyspepsia and Food Allergies
  • Hair loss
  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
  • IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Insomnia
  • Management of chronic illnesses
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Symptoms of gastroparesis
  • The obesity epidemic
  • The vitiligo condition
  • Therapy with radiation
  • Treatment of autoimmunity diseases
  • Treatment with antibiotics
  • Treatment with chemotherapy

These are just a few examples.

Program to Rebuild the Gut

The gut rebuilder kit includes 2 quarts of Silver Water, 1 bottle of Ultrazyme Plus, 1 container of Silver Water Greens, 1 pound of WR Dulse Seaweed, 1 bottle of Ultrabiotic Plus, and 1 bottle of Bio-DynaZyme, as a one-month supply.

How to Rebuild Your Gut

1. If you are not allergic to seafood, take 3 drops of Lugol’s Iodine in 3 ounces of water first thing in the morning.

2. Wait at least 20 minutes before taking the following:

  • Silver water, 1 ounce
  • Stabilized greens, 1/2 ounce
  • Ultrazyme Plus 5 capsules
  • Ultrabiotic Plus capsules
  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme capsule

3. In the mid-day take

Option A:

    • 20 minutes before lunch, take 2 Ultrabiotic Plus capsules
    • In place of salt, use Dulse seaweed throughout the day as a seasoning or garnish

Note: If eating a midday lunch meal, take 2 capsules Ultrazyme Plus (subtract 2 from evening dose).

Option B:

In the absence of a mid-day meal:

    • Reminder: In place of salt, use 1/2 ounce of Dulse seaweed throughout the day as a seasoning or garnish

4. In the evening:

    • Take 5 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus (3 if 2 were taken mid-day before eating lunch)
    • Ulrabiotic Plus capsules
    • Bio-Dyna-Zyme capsule

Here’s a great idea: You could easily add the ingredients to a healthy shake if you’re a smoothie fan.

How to Rebuild Optimal Gut Health Kit one-month supply ingredients. 2 quarts silver water, 1 bottle Ultrazyme Plus, 1 container Stabilized Greens, 1 pound WR Dulse Seaweed, 1 bottle Ultrabiotic Plus, 1 bottle Bio-DynaZyme, 1 bottle Iodine 6.6% Lugol’s w/dropper.

Using Wayne Rowland’s Gut Rebuilder Kit, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, better tolerate treatment, and recover more quickly. Besides rebuilding the gut, the Gut Rebuilder Kit also rebuilds and strengthens blood and tissue, helps balance mood, and sharpens thought processes.


This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended for treating, diagnosing, or curing any disease.

Make Your Own Colloidal Silver Antibiotic Emergency Survival

If the end of the world is coming and you’re facing the zombie apocalypse, you are going to need to have antibiotics in your survival kit. If you’re the first survivor to hit a drugstore, you might be able to clean them out of their antibiotic inventory. Antibiotics are the most sought-after ingredient in the apocalyptic survival strategy. This could be a no-thing for you if you can make your own antibiotic on demand. Sounds impossible at first but when you realize that colloidal silver is a powerful broad-spectrum bactericide that can be easily made from scratch, that is when you can check it off your list, with the confidence that if you had to, you could make your own colloidal silver antibiotic, when you need it.


That assumes that you prepare for it. There are kits on Amazon, like this one. There’s nothing to fear, as making your own colloidal silver water is not as challenging as a middle school science fair project.

To do it yourself, you will need some basic ingredients to make sure that you have everything that you will need to create colloidal silver and keep these items bundled together in your colloidal silver kit. And you should practice making it before you need it so that you can rely on your own proficiency when the time comes.

The Make Your Own Colloidal Silver Antibiotic Kit

You can create colloidal silver by using silver wire, a battery source, and liquid. The silver wires will sit on a container of water.

Silver particles will shed when electricity runs between the silver pieces.

Required Materials

In order to produce colloidal silver, only a few basic materials are needed.

  • Batteries
  • Water that has been distilled
  • Wire made of silver
  • Diodes
  • (2) Containers
  • Alligator clips
  • Silver and power source
  1. You may choose less expensive batteries if you’re planning to use a small amount of colloidal silver. Use lithium batteries if you plan to use the device for a longer period of time.
  2. To connect the batteries to the silver wire, you will need lead wires and alligator clips.
  3. Buy the purest silver wire you can find. Don’t use sterling or plated silver.

Silver bullion is used instead of silver wire by some people who don’t trust silver wire.

Current Regulation Diode

Using diodes, you can regulate and control the current flowing between the silver wire or bullion.

Water does not possess a high level of conductivity, but silver does. The water will conduct silver as it sheds from the wire, and as the current increases, the silver will become more significant.

The larger the silver particle, the less effective it is at removing bacteria and pathogens from the body. You may also be at a higher risk for Argyria.

This issue can be addressed with a regulator diode.

Choosing a diode that can maintain a current of less than one milliampere will prevent the current from increasing beyond a certain point.

Use water that has been distilled

You can purchase distilled water from convenience stores or grocery stores. It contains very few particles or impurities.

Learn how to make distilled water if you don’t trust ready-made distilled water.

Two containers

This improvised colloidal silver machine requires one or two containers. One container will hold distilled water, and it should be made of glass or plastic.

It is safer to use glass for this experiment. Be sure to use a container specifically designed for making colloidal silver. Do not use a container that has been used for something else in the past.

Remember these tips

  • Keep your colloidal silver away from light in an amber-colored or non-translucent container.
  • Online or in-store, DIY colloidal silver containers should be easy to find.

Making Colloidal Silver at Home DIY

  1. In order to connect batteries in a series, attach the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of another. You should have a positive terminal on the left and a negative terminal on the right.
  2. At the end of your clip for the negative terminal, connect your diode. Then, connect another alligator clip to the other side of your diode.
  3. Put the silver pieces in the water, ensuring they rest on the bottom and side of your colloidal silver container. However, do not allow them to touch. This will cause a short circuit.
  4. Make sure you don’t let anything else enter your distilled water, including alligator clips.

Getting Started with Your Experiment

In your first DIY colloidal silver experiment, pay attention to the water and see what happens. Usually, it will take a couple of hours for the silver particles to start saturating the water.

The water turns yellowish first.

It won’t take long for your colloidal solution to finish after a few hours.

You can set an alarm next time.

Pour your solution into one of the amber-colored containers you set aside earlier when you’re done with your first batch.

Colloidal Silver Solution Use

That’s it! You’re done with your experiment.

The best way to use colloidal silver is to use it sublingually. Some people try ingesting it, but this isn’t necessary since 90% of the silver will be flushed out.

Silver can be swished around in your mouth for about 10 minutes, and you won’t have to worry about silver deposits in your body. It can also be applied to wounds as a disinfectant.

Tips and additional materials

Monitor the density of your colloidal silver solution using a handheld laser. These can be found easily in most supply shops. After about 30 minutes, you should be able to see the progress of your solution.

Stir your solution occasionally with a wooden spoon.

You may also need a wooden board to hold the wires on top of your glass jar. Avoid metal, since it will shortcut your circuit.

To keep the silver wires from falling into the water, use any small cutting board in your home that has two holes in the middle at least one inch apart. Attach an alligator clip to the end of every silver wire to keep it from falling.

The other end of the wire goes through the hole in the wood before going into the water. This holds the wires in place while the wooden board sits on top of the jar.

To learn about ways to purify your water, check out this article on water purification. Use distilled water for this project!

In normal water, impurities can bind to silver, causing Argyria, a condition where the skin becomes blueish-grey and irreversible.

Over the Counter Silver Water

I, like many people. prefer to get my silver water from a reliable professional source. The highest quality I have found for myself is Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water.

Silver Water has been around for years and is made with his unique Tesla lightning equipment that reduces particle size and infuses the silver water with the three musical notes that make up the Bb chord. Some people report that it has only the one note, Bb, but it actually has three musical notes infused via the Tesla gear: Bb, D, and F. I love it, and there’s nothing else like it.

But I also have several DIY colloidal silver water kits, so that I know that if the SHTF or for any other reason, I am unable to get Wayne’s Silver Water, or anyone else’s, I will be able to make my own. If nothing else, to make colloidal silver myself and use it as an antibiotic so that I don’t have to worry, even if I find myself in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Tips for Colloidal Silver Safety

Please do not use any other chemicals or ingredients, including salt, in this project.

In the water, do not put anything at all.

For external purposes, including house cleaning and disinfection, tap water can be used to create colloidal silver, but not for ingesting.

Silver colloidal should not be refrigerated.

Colloidal silver may also kill friendly bacteria, so you may want to follow the use of it with supplements, such as lactobacillus acidophilus or yogurt.

Before consuming colloidal silver, consult your physician first. This post only discusses homemade colloidal silver and is not intended to be medical advice.


The CGAM Body Charger by Wayne Rowland

The CGAM Body Charger is referred to as the ultimate negative ion generator. You can charge yourself and be well. This body charger has been known to strengthen and energize the body as well as provide relief from physical discomfort. It has been reported to support the purifying of the blood, lungs, and intestinal tract as well as revive cellular and glandular functioning and overall immune support.

The body charger is the latest addition to the product line offered by CGAM. Our customers have reported that they had even much better results by combining the body charger therapy with detoxing the body using Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Program (Silver Water, Greens, Enzymes, and Iodine). These will provide optimal support nutritionally for repairing, rebuilding, and restoring the body’s tissue and organs.

Why charge the body with negative ions?

It has been said that negative ions promote alpha brainwaves and increase brainwave amplitude, which translates to a higher awareness level. (Negions are neg ions.)

Negion induced alpha waves spread from the occipital area to the parietal and temporal and even reach the frontal lobes, spreading evenly across the right and left hemispheres.

According to research done by Dr. C.W. Hansell, all of this has been shown to create and overall calming effect.

Why are neg-ions physically therapeutic?

According to research done by the Russian scientific team headed by A.L. Tchijevski it is partly because they kill germs.

Their finding revealed large exposure to negions killed bacteria colony formation on cell plates.

Most researchers think that negions act on our capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen thereby, accelerating the blood’s delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissue.

Dr. Gualaterotti reports that Negions make wider cell nuclei with more volume.

These findings are pertinent to human quality of life and immune function because, research from the owners, Manual for the Brain, Everyday Application from Mind-Brain Research, states that roughly one-third of the population seems to be particularly sensitive to negative ion depletion.

Due to our broad exposure to positively charged environments and exposure to electronics, synthetic building materials, clothing, ductwork, fumes, etc., we are a society wracked by allergies, depression, sleeplessness, tension, intestinal parasites, and suppressed immune functioning. ‘

Experts agree positive ions rob us of our good senses and dispositions as they lower the body’s serotonin level.

Conversely, we have all experienced the beneficial effects and uplifting feelings of well-being by being near waterfalls, rivers or the ocean. The reason being, falling water creates thousands of negative ions in the atmosphere, which then, when breathed increase the serotonin levels int he body, generating a sense of euphoria, alertness, and bliss.

CGAM’s Body Charger emits negative ions that are transferred and absorbed into the body through an electrostatic charge. The unit has the capacity for different electrostatic charge settings.

anecdotal customer experience:

I was using the body charger twice a day for an hour only one week. I noticed the liver spots went off of my hands. I had an injury in my right shoulder that quit hurting too.

I broke my pelvis years ago and I thought that I would just have to live with the pain! It would make my leg go numb and I was falling down.

Now the extreme discomfort and numbness is completely gone. I feel so energized, and I feel a happiness I haven’t felt in a long while. I can’t believe how nice it is to wake up without that extreme discomfort. Peggy B. San Francisco.

The CGAM Body Charger includes fine metal carrying case as well as a large size Teflon mounted stainless steel charging screen.


Now available for $10,0000

The Body Charger is a church sacrament and is approved by God for enhancing the lives of its people who have the right to long life, health, and well-being.

Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. Products mentioned are a church sacrament of the Church of God and Apostles Ministries.