Category Archives: Colloidal Silver Water

Wayne Rowland’s Colloidal Silver Water to Defeat Parasites

An alternative approach to health is gaining attention as Wayne Rowland, a proponent of parasite cleansing and colloidal silver water, sheds light on the hidden threats lurking within our bodies. Rowland believes parasites and worms are not just incidental inhabitants but formidable obstacles to achieving wellness.

Wayne Rowland asserts that pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites such as microparasites, surface parasites, and worms, are the root cause of all diseases. Reflecting on his personal journey of battling terminal illness, Rowland claims to have saved his own life by rejecting conventional FDA-approved medications and taking responsibility for his health. He states, “I have eliminated cancers from my body and am finding new ways to manage my otherwise lethal lead poisoning naturally.”

Despite his unconventional approach, Rowland is driven by a desire to share his knowledge freely, even though it challenges established medical norms and lacks approval from government agencies. He highlights the financial interests at play within the medical industry, suggesting that his insights are dismissed due to their lack of profitability.

Drawing on historical medical practices, Rowland contrasts the effectiveness of 1800s doctors with contemporary medical professionals. He points to treatments like deworming, once commonplace but now disregarded, as evidence of past successes in managing disease symptoms. He references William Gibney, M.D., who, in the 1820s, advocated deworming with turpentine, highlighting the stark contrast in acceptance between historical practices and modern regulatory standards.

According to Rowland, the food supply is a primary avenue for parasite transmission, particularly through meat and produce. He cautions pet owners, noting that pets can serve as reservoirs for parasitic worms, resulting in higher worm counts in households with pets.

Rowland challenges the modern medical dismissal of deworming, noting that doctors often attribute symptoms to other conditions like Morgellon’s disease. However, based on his personal experience and interactions with patients, he maintains that deworming has been instrumental in alleviating symptoms of various incurable diseases.

“Parasites and worms have the upper hand,” Rowland warns, urging individuals to prioritize deworming before embarking on any health-improving endeavors. He emphasizes the insidious tactics employed by parasites, citing instances where efforts to better one’s health are met with sudden illness, attributed to what he terms “worm attacks.”

According to Rowland, the adverse effects of parasitic infestations are not solely caused by the worms themselves but also by their excretions, which compromise the body’s immune system. He emphasizes parasites’ adaptability and survival instincts, suggesting that modern medical practices inadvertently sustain parasitic populations.

In Rowland’s framework, defeating parasites requires a comprehensive strategy due to the vast array of parasite types. He categorizes them into microparasites, surface parasites, and worms, each requiring specific eradication methods.

Rowland advocates for his colloidal Silver Water as an effective tool against microparasites and surface parasites. However, he acknowledges the formidable challenge of worms, which have evolved over millions of years to evade eradication.

While modern medicine may downplay the prevalence of parasitic worms in humans, Rowland points to the veterinary field’s extensive knowledge in deworming farm animals and pets. He highlights the accessibility of potent dewormers in veterinary medicine, which he attributes to the absence of health insurance for animals.

Rowland offers a comprehensive parasite cleanse and deworming program, stressing the importance of a thorough three-month cleanse to combat parasites effectively. He acknowledges that complete eradication may be elusive but asserts that regular cleansing can disrupt parasites’ adaptability, leading to improved health outcomes.

In Rowland’s vision, taking control of one’s parasitic environment is empowering and leads to tangible improvements in overall well-being. He encourages individuals to embrace the journey towards parasite-free living and reap the rewards of enhanced health and vitality.

In summary, Wayne Rowland advocates for a paradigm shift in understanding and treating diseases, urging consideration of unconventional methods like deworming to address underlying health issues. He contends that modern medicine perpetuates a cycle of illness rather than facilitating genuine healing by prioritizing profits over patient well-being.


See Wayne Rowland’s book, Silver Water Colloidal, for more information.

Silver Water Gut Pathogen and Disease Symptom Health Program

Wayne Rowland has developed several health programs designed to address various health concerns, including the Parasite and Deworming Program, the Disease Symptom Elimination Program, and the Gut Rebuilder Program. Wayne emphasized, “There are a few ingredients that can be added to these programs if someone is particularly sensitive or who has a more severely weakened immune system.”

10 Case Diabetes Challenge

Over time, these programs have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in resolving a multitude of health issues, including those deemed incurable or fatal. Wayne asserted, “Take, for instance, my 10-case diabetes symptom elimination program. You do the disease symptom elimination program, and you will be drinking 8 ounces of my B-flat Silver Water a day until all the products and Silver Water are gone. And so is the diabetes.” He offered a 100% money-back guarantee for this program, even though he doesn’t sell the products, expressing confidence in its effectiveness, “and no one has ever requested a refund.”

Deworm First

Highlighting the importance of addressing parasitic infections before embarking on any health regimen, Wayne cautioned against neglecting deworming. He advised, “Do not go on a diet, conduct a cleanse, fast, or begin any healthy treatment regimen without first dealing with the parasite issue including the worms.” Wayne stressed the necessity of conducting a thorough 90-day deworming program to effectively target resilient parasites.

Pathogenic Spirochetes & Worms

Conducting a health regimen without dealing with the issue of parasitic infections and particularly highly evolved predatory worms and pathogenic spirochetes is ill-advised because these species are conscious, always learning from what is visiting the body, and they are adapting or evolving accordingly, “So, take them out first.”

There are 700 species of parasites including worms that are the hardest to kill, the Disease Symptom Elimination Program is the best-known method of targeting and eliminating them and the biofilm that they use as a cloaking mechanism for survival. They cannot hide or defend themselves from the combination.

Gut-Related Disease

For individuals diagnosed with gut-related diseases, Wayne recommended initiating either the Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program or the Disease Symptom Elimination Program before commencing the Gut Rebuilder Program. He cautioned against starting with the Gut Rebuilder Program, as it may inadvertently exacerbate parasitic infections, making them more challenging to eliminate.

Contrary to common medical parlance, Rowland contends that all gut-related disease is a spectrum where one set of symptoms morphs into a more severe intestinal disease following medical intervention until the patients are no longer able to survive on their own.

The Pharma-backed FDA Limitations

Wayne acknowledged the challenges faced by individuals seeking natural alternative treatments in the current healthcare landscape. He asserted, “I may not always be available and natural alternative specialists who are qualified to work with you individually will be harder and harder to find due to the efforts of Big Pharma and the FDA to restrain, control, or eliminate their ability to assist you in any meaningful way.” As a result, Wayne designed his programs to be conducted without oversight, empowering individuals to take charge of their own health and well-being independently.

Individual Health Care Over Doctors’ Orders

Encouraging self-advocacy in healthcare decisions, Wayne emphasized the importance of prioritizing personal health over external influences. He affirmed, “You have the right to take responsibility for your own healthcare and well-being. No one can take that from you.” Wayne urged individuals to prioritize self-care, noting the longevity advantage enjoyed by those who take proactive measures to maintain their health, as they live longer than the doctors who take their own medicine.

Wayne Rowland’s Healing: Disease Symptom Elimination Program

Wayne Rowland’s take on disease symptoms is very unique as he asserts disease symptoms are what they are symptoms being expressed in the body that negatively affect the host but maintains that the “disease” is not the cause of the symptoms. Rowland says that pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites including worms are the culprits behind the symptoms of all diseases.

If that is true, if one eliminates the actual cause by eliminating the pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites including worms, then the symptoms cease, proving there was no disease in the first place.

The Disease Symptom Elimination Program, as outlined by Wayne Rowland, comprises a kit consisting of specific ingredients aimed at addressing various health challenges, including the targeting of the 700 species of hardest-to-kill parasites and worms.

Here’s a breakdown of the program and its components:

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 quarts of Silver Water
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • WR Dulse Seaweed
  • Silver Water Greens (15 ounces)
  • DMSO
  • Chlorine Dioxide
  • Lugol’s Iodine

Add-Ons: In addition to the basic kit, individuals are advised to include a dewormer of their choice, which can be obtained from veterinarians or farm stores. Three basic varieties of dewormers are recommended:

  1. Benzimidazoles (e.g., mebendazole or fenbendazole)
  2. Pyrimidines (e.g., pyrantel)
  3. Macrocyclic lactones (e.g., ivermectin or moxidectin)

How to Conduct the Program:

  1. Morning Routine: Start the day by taking three drops of Lugol’s Iodine in 3 oz. of water, followed by a specific combination of Silver Water, DMSO, Silver Water Greens, Ultrazyme Plus, Ultrabiotic Plus, and Bio-Dyna-Zyme.
  2. Mid-day: Depending on whether a mid-day meal is consumed, individuals are instructed to take a combination of Silver Water, DMSO, Ultrabiotic Plus, and Ultrazyme Plus.
  3. Evening Routine: In the evening, another combination of Silver Water, DMSO, Ultrazyme Plus (or fewer capsules if taken mid-day), Ultrabiotic Plus, and Bio-Dyna-Zyme is recommended before mealtime or at least 20 minutes before bedtime.

1/2 ounce of Dulse Seaweed should be consumed as a garnish and as a salt replacement throughout each day on the disease elimination program.

Chlorine Dioxide Protocol: Include chlorine dioxide in the regimen as an eliminator of destructive pathogens, spirochetes, and biofilm (where pathogens seek refuge) removing their hiding place and protection. Wayne provides detailed instructions on its preparation and consumption. Individuals are advised to follow the directions included with their chlorine dioxide water purification drops, ensuring proper activation and dosage.

Basically consuming 3 activated drops of the recommended mixture of ingredients to create chlorine dioxide in four or more ounces of purified or distilled water every hour for 8 to 10 hours throughout the day.

Wayne also offers guidance on starting at one activated drop and gradually increasing the dosage for optimal tolerance, as well as alternative options such as CDS 3000. Additionally, instructions are provided for preparing a daily batch of chlorine dioxide solution and consuming it throughout the day. See the book, Silver Water Colloidal: Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing, for details.

Overall, Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program offers a comprehensive approach to addressing health challenges including the elimination of disease symptoms, emphasizing personalized treatment and the use of natural remedies.



Silver Water Colloidal: A Journey to Your Health and Healing

In the realm of personal healing and wellness, Wayne Rowland underscores the importance of recognizing that self-healing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. He acknowledges, “Some approaches have overall success for application to most people, but that it not always 100% true, as any critic or doctor will tell you.” Silver Water Colloidal is a journey to your health and healing as one takes control of decisions to self-heal and eliminate disease symptoms. Wayne emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual’s body chemistry and holistic makeup, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to address specific health challenges.

Trust Your Healing Coach

According to Wayne, natural alternative specialists play a crucial role in partnering with clients to navigate the complexities of healing. He states, “The relationship between this type of practitioner and the client is very intimate and besides a commitment to healing, openness and honesty are imperative to make any real progress over time.” Wayne encourages individuals to seek practitioners they can trust, fostering an environment conducive to effective healing, and do it while they can because he suggests that pharmaceutical companies are doing everything they can to restrict and eliminate the individual holistic practitioners’ ability to serve others.

Medical Intuitive

Reflecting on his own medical intuitive capabilities, Wayne describes his ability to perceive auric colors around people, indicating physiological issues. He explains, “After attuning my attention to a specific individual, I can often clearly see pathogens, mostly aggressive bacteria, and worms at work inside someone’s body.” While acknowledging that his abilities may not rival those of other practitioners, Wayne utilizes his intuitive insights to guide his approach to healing.

Doctors Say You Don’t Have Worms

Wayne confronts the prevailing disbelief regarding worm infestations in the United States, asserting, “Now, your doctor does not want to hear it, and they will violently defend what they’ve been programmed to believe.” He challenges the notion that parasitic infections are confined to Third World countries, asserting that such problems are prevalent even in developed nations, especially in the USA.

But they don’t want you to know that.

What if all disease is due to pathogenic exploitation including predatory worms?

Wayn Rowland claims to know that indeed, parasites, especially pathogenic spirochetes and predatory worms that have evolved over millions of years are responsible for most disease symptoms. Certainly, there are other pathogens responsible for other collections of disease symptoms, but those are easily destroyed by drinking his B-flat Silver Water. The hardest to kill varieties require a substantial effort, such as Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program. And if any of this were true, it would be the last thing the medical industry would want you to be aware of because it would essentially end their ability to exploit Americans for cash.

Parasites Eat First

Highlighting the impact of parasitic infestations on overall health, Wayne emphasizes the detrimental effects of pathogens consuming essential nutrients intended for the body’s benefit. He warns, “But the worms eat first, then the other parasites that you may be hosting, and if there’s anything left over, you might be healthy enough to process and benefit from that.” In most cases, there’s little, if any, left for the host.

Wayne warns of the advanced and evolved intelligence, consciousness, and survival skills of parasitic worms, noting their ability to sway thoughts and feeling for their benefit and influence on individuals’ cravings for unhealthy foods.

Restoration via Deworming

Wayne concludes by advocating for thorough deworming as a means of restoring balance, eliminating disease symptoms, and unhealthy cravings. He asserts, “Everyone experiences this.”

As counter intuitive as it may appear on the surface, based on Wayne Rowland’s experience, parasites and worms are the root cause of what ails you. He maintains that by eliminating the worms, parasites, and other pathogens that are causing disease symptoms, the disease vanishes as well.

By addressing parasitic infections, individuals can regain control of their health and well-being, paving the way for holistic healing and vitality.

More information can be found in Wayne’s book, Silver Water Colloidal: Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing, available on or at your favorite bookstore.




Doctors Do Americans Have Problems with Parasites and Worms?

In the United States, if you ask doctors, “Do Americans have problems with parasites and worms?” you will likely be told that parasites and worms are not a problem in the USA where there is adequate sanitization and medical technology to prevent such concerns.

The most pervasive spreaders of worms and parasites are our pets at home.

The assertion that Americans are free from worms and other parasites, as propagated by the American medical system, contrasts starkly with the awareness within veterinary medicine regarding the prevalence of these issues among domesticated animals, particularly pets. Wayne Rowland emphasized, “The most pervasive spreaders of worms and parasites are our pets at home. You know you have to deworm your pets, but you also have to deworm yourselves as well.” Addressing the oversight in conventional medical practices, Wayne introduced his Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program to address the adverse effects of parasites and worms on the human body.

Wayne highlighted the challenge of diagnosing parasite-related symptoms, which are often mistaken for other diseases and consequently treated without addressing the underlying cause. He remarked, “Since there is pretty much no way you can get a good dewormer from your doctor ‘because Americans don’t have worms,’ you will have to reach out to your veterinarian.” Emphasizing the detrimental impact of parasites on overall health, Wayne underscored the importance of proactive deworming to mitigate their adverse effects.

The Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program, designed to span three months, aims to alleviate symptoms associated with parasitic infestations. Wayne noted, “Even those who have conducted the program for a week have reported impressive results and relief.” He recommended an annual follow-up cleanse and deworming regimen for sustained health maintenance.

Wayne Rowland introduced us to the next generation of colloidal silver by creating a process that combined Tesla-technology-generated lightning and B-flat Rife technology frequencies music of Mother Earth-infused Silver Water, that users have been raving about since its introduction. While still considered a colloidal silver solution, particle sizes are so small that it is designated as a safe and healthy alternative drinking water.

Reflecting on his refusal to undergo chemotherapy, Wayne shared his journey into exploring safe and sensible medical alternatives. He stated, “Once I found out what chemotherapy was, all I knew was that there was no way I was going to let them put that chemical in my body.” This decision spurred Wayne’s pursuit of alternative treatment options, which he now advocates for others facing similar medical decisions.

In addressing chronic or life-threatening illnesses, Wayne introduced the Disease Symptom Elimination Program, emphasizing its focus on alleviating symptoms rather than targeting specific diseases. He explained, “What you may have noticed is that the name of this program is not the disease elimination program, because there is a good chance that you may not have a disease at all.” Wayne proposed that many health issues stem from underlying parasitic infections rather than specific diseases, advocating for the elimination of these pathogens through his program.

The Disease Symptom Elimination Program incorporates additional components aimed at disrupting biofilm formation within the body, where parasites often conceal themselves. Wayne remarked, “There is also a solution that breaks down the biofilm inside your body where many of these creatures retreat to, hide, and hibernate in to avoid detection and elimination.” By targeting both parasites and their protective mechanisms, Wayne’s program offers a comprehensive approach to symptom relief and improved health outcomes.

For more information about Wayne Rowland and his Tesla-lightning music water, check out his book, Silver Water Colloidal Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing, now available on Amazon.


Higher Quantities of Silver Water Colloidal: Greater Effects

When consuming higher quantities of silver water colloidal greater effects are often reported though not all colloidal silvers are safely consumed in volume. Many warnings are issued about consuming colloidal silver due to the toxicity of large silver particles in the solution. Some commercial colloidal silver manufacturers recommend 10 PPM (parts per million) but Wayne Rowland warns, “No one should put 10 parts per million of anything in their bodies.”

Rowland is renowned for creating a new generation of colloidal silver with much smaller particles than can be made by traditional manufacturing processes by utilizing lightning generated by Tesla technology. His authorized factory produces a 3 PPM Silver Water reportedly more powerful than any 10 PPM without the potential side effects.

Wayne contends that higher amounts of his Silver Water can be consumed without harm and in fact, his water has been classified as a safe and healthy alternative drinking water due to the small silver particulate size. Caution is advised in the consumption of any commercial or homemade colloidal silver.

Also, during Silver Water’s manufacturing process, Rowland infuses the water with Rife frequencies equivalent to the three musical notes that make up the B-flat major chord, the same healing musical frequencies emanating from planet Earth in her prime. Since the year 2000, these frequencies have been changing due to the Earth’s wobble. Consuming Wayne’s Silver Water helps to permeate one’s being with these frequencies that are no longer coming from our planet.

Since people have been consuming Silver Water in quantity, many testimonials claim outstanding health benefits from doing so.

Elimination of Diabetic Symptomology

Reports of astonishing recoveries from diabetes began to surface, with individuals who faithfully consumed 8 ounces of Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water daily witnessing remarkable transformations. Wayne stated, “People with no hope of overcoming diabetes… were now saying they were not only no longer insulin-dependent but had zero diabetic side effects and stable sugar levels, just by putting the silver symphony to work in their bodies.” Encouraged by these outcomes, Wayne introduced a 10-case guarantee for eliminating diabetes.

Offering a Silver Water guarantee for eliminating diabetes causes pandemonium in any room of medical professionals. This is due to medical training contending that the cause of diabetes is due to any number of factors including autoimmune disorder, genetic predisposition, environmental factors, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and age if you are over 45-years-old. And you might be more at risk of contracting diabetes if you are not white Americans, such as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans, according to your doctor.

According to Wayne Rowland, the cause of diabetes is parasites that are easily killed and cleared over time by consistently consuming his music water, saying, “those little buggers can’t take the music.” Rowlands’ claims his results are better than Dr. Kempner’s Sugar and Rice Diet that purported a 93% cure rate of patients suffering from various forms of diabetes in the 1940s (covered up by mainstream medicine), just from drinking 8 ounces or more of Silver Water a day over the course of 10 cases (60 quart-sized bottles) of Wayne’s water.

Elimination of Intestinal Dysfunction and Disease

Subsequently, Wayne received numerous accounts of individuals overcoming various intestinal dysfunctions and diseases. “Next came reports of people overcoming all sorts and sundries of intestinal dysfunction and disease,” he recounted. Conditions ranging from heartburn to Crohn’s disease vanished, along with abdominal adhesions, appendicitis, and more. Recognizing the pivotal role of gut health, Wayne developed the Gut Rebuilder Program, emphasizing its significance as the foundation for addressing health challenges.

Elimination of Cancer(s)

Reflecting on his battle with stomach and esophagus cancers, Wayne revealed, “Thanks to my experience with Rife equipment, I was able to eliminate my own stomach and esophagus cancers.” Despite initially using the incorrect frequency setting, which targeted parasites rather than cancer cells, Wayne discovered the efficacy of Silver Water in combating parasites. He observed, “My Silver Water kills parasites better than just about anything.”

Rowland refers to his musical Silver Water as a “Rife machine suspended in water” due to his unique manufacturing process which is effective when applied to those who may be experiencing challenges associated with different kinds of cancer(s).

They Say American Patients Do Not Have Worms

Wayne also addressed the prevalence of parasites including worms, contrasting the dismissive stance of American doctors with the practical approach of veterinary medicine. He remarked, “Interestingly, everyone I know or have ever known has parasites and worms… yet if you consult with American doctors, they will insist that no patient of theirs will have a problem with parasites, especially worms.” Critiquing the medical diagnosis of conditions like the dismissive diagnosis of Morgellons Disease, Wayne emphasized the need for proactive measures in combating parasites and deworming.

See: Wayne Rowland’s Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program for more information.

Veterinary Medicine is More Effective

Recognizing the pragmatic approach of veterinary medicine in maintaining animal health, Wayne emphasized the importance of holistic methods and inexpensive yet effective treatments. He underscored the vital role of veterinarians in safeguarding the American food supply, advocating for accessible medical and pharmaceutical resources to ensure the health and welfare of farm animals.

Why is veterinary medicine more effective than medicine designed for human use? Because farm animals to not have health insurance, and farmers need to make money. They need their animals to be healthy and productive for as long as possible and as inexpensively as possible, and a good veterinarian can provide these results to the average farmer.

Why can’t we approach human health care that way?


Regenerative Capability: Silver Water Colloidal B-flat Music

Wayne Rowland, a fervent advocate for Silver Water, asserted, “Silver Water has incredible properties that surpass those available in garden variety colloidal silvers.” He emphasized, “Even the most rudimentary colloidal silvers have anti-microbial properties that can offer life-saving efficacy.”

Regarding his intentions behind Silver Water’s creation, Rowland stated, “My intention was to use a hybrid Tesla/Rife technology to create a consistently effective colloidal silver.” He explained, “I wanted something stable and consistent that also was energized with the musical frequencies of the healthy earth, specifically the three notes of the B-flat chord.”

Silver Music Water

Expressing concern about the earth’s declining frequencies due to its increasing wobble, Rowland remarked, “I was concerned about how our healthy bodies were faltering due to the lack of these frequencies that used to surround us all the time.” He passionately declared, “So, Silver Water became the musical catalyst for infusing these frequencies back into our human biology.”

Highlighting the effects of his Tesla/Rife B-flat major chord infused Silver Water music on human biology, Rowland emphasized, “The music has a profound effect on human biology helping to align the energy of the body to this harmonistic synergy that just makes everything good easier.” He added, “Anything that is not a match for resonant human harmony will have a harder time at becoming more pervasive.”

Parasite Attacks in the USA

In battling serious health ailments, individuals may find themselves facing a formidable opponent—a parasitic force seeking to overpower the body’s defense systems and assert dominion over one’s health status. Wayne reflected on this struggle, noting, “The problem is, most of us have bodies that are so heavily polluted with crud, crap, and corruption that we’re lucky to be alive at all.” He highlighted the detrimental impact of the Standard American Diet (SAD), designed to perpetuate a prolonged state of deterioration while keeping individuals alive enough to sustain the medical industry’s financial interests.

Moreover, Wayne underscored how the SAD fosters an environment conducive to parasitic worms and other predators, thriving once they gain access to the body. He remarked, “It doesn’t take much; eating a dark green leafy salad, any commercially available processed food, drinking water, or breathing the air, no matter how hard you try, you can never stop these parasites from breaching your best defense systems.” He emphasized the vulnerability of bodies weakened by a system designed to deplete natural resources by any means possible making Americans even more susceptible to becoming breeding grounds and effectively hatching microscopic eggs that might have otherwise passed through a healthier body unnoticed.

Wayne Rowland’s Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program has gained wide support as a defense tactic for pervasive parasite depopulation in the human body including worms. Interestingly, American medicine maintains there is no parasitic worm problems in the USA as such things are only a problem in Third World countries, which according to Rowland is highly suspect. According to Wayne, “Think about it: If your pet has worms, you have the same worms.” and contending that if you deworm your pets, you should also be dewormed.

Colloidal Silver Regeneration Science Project

Colloidal silver possesses a regenerative quality featured in middle school science projects where students create a primitive colloidal silver solution using a 9-volt battery.  The student picks two flowers from the same bush, puts one in water and lets the other out in the sun to die. The student then places the dried and wilted flower into the freshly created colloidal silver and the flower comes back to life. Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water excels exponentially in regeneration of skin, tissue, and nerve networks.

Burn Victims


Reflecting on the regenerative capabilities of his Silver Water, Wayne recounted his experiences assisting individuals with extreme burns. Moved by compassion, he offered aid to burn victims, recalling, “I could not help but be deeply moved and offer to at least try to help them.” He marveled at the results, including the regrowth of burned tissue and new scar-free skin, which exceeded his expectations and showcased the remarkable potential of Silver Water in promoting healing and regeneration.

He shared, “I began a program to offer my water to children who had suffered from disfiguring burns to help give them hope for a normal life, and the results… well, it meant more to me to be able to help these little people than probably anything I’ve ever done in my life.”




Silver Water Colloidal Burn Victims Skin Diseases Aging Skin

Skin problems, ranging from minor irritations to severe burns and chronic conditions, can significantly impact our quality of life. Colloidal silver has emerged as a promising natural remedy for various skin ailments in recent years. This article explores the advantages of using colloidal silver to treat skin problems, mainly burns and scarred wounds, and its application methods and efficacy against different skin diseases.

The Healing Power of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver minute particles in a liquid, typically purified water. Its antimicrobial properties have been recognized for centuries, with historical accounts documenting its use in wound care and infection control. Colloidal silver is gaining popularity as a natural alternative to conventional topical treatments for skin problems.

Advantages of Using Colloidal Silver for Skin Problems

  1. Antimicrobial Action: Colloidal silver exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, making it effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi commonly implicated in skin infections. It also helps prevent infection by inhibiting microbial growth and promoting faster wound healing.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory: In addition to its antimicrobial effects, colloidal silver has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling, redness, and pain associated with skin conditions like burns and dermatitis. This action helps alleviate discomfort and promote tissue repair.
  3. Accelerated Wound Healing: Colloidal silver stimulates the proliferation of new skin cells and promote collagen synthesis, essential processes for wound healing. Colloidal silver can speed up the recovery process for burns, cuts, and other skin injuries by enhancing tissue regeneration.
  4. Scar Reduction: Colloidal silver has been reported to minimize scarring by promoting the formation of healthy new tissue and preventing excessive collagen deposition. Regularly applying colloidal silver to scarred wounds may help improve their appearance and texture over time.

Application Methods

Depending on what works best for you, you can use this silver water differently. You can apply silver water directly to your skin, apply the gel as a cream, spray it on, or soak a body part.

Colloidal silver can be applied to the surface area of the skin, topically to the affected areas using various methods:

  1. Direct Application: Apply a few drops of colloidal silver directly onto the affected skin using a clean cotton ball or swab. Gently massage the silver solution into the skin until absorbed. Repeat this process two to three times daily or as needed.
  2. Silver Water Gel: Silver Water First Aid Gel was developed by Wayne Rowland for treatment of burn victims, including children, with outstanding results. Simply apply the gel to the skin and let it do its work. Good for any skin disorders.
  3. Spray Application: Transfer colloidal silver into a spray bottle and mist the affected area with a fine spray. Allow the silver solution to air dry or gently pat it into the skin with clean hands. Reapply as necessary to keep the skin moist.
  4. Soaking: For larger areas or severe burns, create a colloidal silver bath by adding several tablespoons of colloidal silver to warm water in a basin or bathtub. Soak the affected body part in the solution for 15-20 minutes, then pat dry with a clean towel.

If you want to speed up the healing process, you can also try using Tesla violet ray and blue light therapy.

Common Skin Disorders

Colloidal silver may offer benefits in managing various skin diseases, including:

  1. Burns: Colloidal silver can soothe burned skin, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection, promoting faster healing and minimizing scarring.
  2. Eczema: Colloidal silver’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate annoying symptoms of eczema, such as itching, redness, and irritation.
  3. Psoriasis: Colloidal silver’s antimicrobial action may help prevent secondary infections in psoriatic lesions, while its anti-inflammatory properties may reduce inflammation and discomfort.
  4. Acne: Colloidal silver’s antibacterial properties can target acne-causing bacteria, which helps to clear up existing breakouts and prevent future flare-ups.
  5. Wound Infections: Colloidal silver’s broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity makes it effective against wound infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Tesla Lightning Silver Water

In my work, I’ve seen something incredible happen with a special kind of water called Tesla-lightning Silver Water. Even though it only has a tiny amount of silver, this water has a powerful electrical charge that vibrates at the same frequency as the B-flat major chord in music. When you put this water on your skin, the silver sings a healing song, and the results are excellent.

Burn Victim Results

I’ve used this music water to treat people with severe burns, and the results have been unbelievable. I’ve seen people grow back parts of their bodies that were burned, like ears and noses. And the best part is, there are no scars left behind. Even children who burned over most of their bodies entirely healed with this water. It’s like a miracle.

I’ve also helped people who had old burns that never fully healed. By applying a special gel made with this silver water, we’ve been able to repair the damaged tissue and reduce the scarring. And when we use Tesla violet ray frequencies and blue light therapy along with the gel, the healing is even faster.

Silver Water for All Skin Disorders

This silver water isn’t just for burns; it’s been shown to help with all kinds of skin problems, like infections, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. It’s all thanks to the tiny particles of silver, the powerful electrical charge, and the healing frequencies of the B-flat major chord.

Some people might be skeptical about this kind of treatment, and that’s okay. But I’ve seen the results with my own eyes, and I know it works. It’s not magic or witchcraft—it’s just science. And if you’re willing to try it, I believe it can help you too.

Colloidal silver offers a natural, versatile solution for treating many skin problems, from minor irritations to severe burns and chronic conditions. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties make it an effective adjunct to conventional skincare treatments. Incorporating colloidal silver into your skincare regimen and following proper application techniques can harness its healing power to promote healthier, clearer, and more radiant skin.

Wayne Rowlands Silver Water Optimal Gut Health Rebuilder Kit

Individuals have come to Wayne Rowland with a vast range of issues. In his experience, there are essentially two categories of people: those who heavily rely on and adhere to the guidance of trained medical professionals, who dictate the treatments they undergo, and those who are more self-sufficient and take full accountability for their well-being. The latter group is typically more willing to explore various options in order to avoid turning to prescribed medical remedies.

  1. Patients with medical conditions
  2. Medically free individuals

An efficient Gut Rebuilder Program offers significant advantages to both groups. The first group, under the guidance of a physician, can benefit greatly from a strengthened gut. This is because doctors often recommend treatments that can harm gut health.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend in the medical community for staff to be trained with the belief that completely eradicating all bacteria will ultimately result in better health outcomes for patients. However, this approach can have devastating effects on gut health, which is crucial for the body’s natural defense and repair processes, as well as overall well-being.

When your gut health is compromised, you have probably sought out a doctor’s help in the first place. Sick gut health leads to sick body, mind, and soul health. In addition to treating the symptoms, you can get your gut health back in order, and you will find that it can heal many of your problems as well.

The independent second group, they probably have a healthier gut health, but they can also greatly benefit from powerful gut supplementation when they are considering a hardcore detox program that might compromise their gut health. In the world of medical care, powerfully supercharged gut health is already well known, as it makes any treatment regimen even more effective and productive.

In addition to increasing the body’s ability to rebuild and regenerate, the Gut Rebuilder Program has many other benefits. As a result, the immune system and digestion are enhanced; together they breakdown nutrition and distribute the nutrients that pass through the physiological system in a way that is beneficial to the body parts and components.

In terms of prescription medications, gut health can improve the metabolism of the chemicals being used, increasing absorption, and decreasing side effects.

One benefit most of us didn’t expect is that super gut health improves your mental health. As a result of treatment regimens, patients often suffer from fatigue, declining self-confidence, ruminating, depression, anxiety, memory loss, and other mental health issues. Most doctors fail to comprehend the connection between gut-health and mental-health.

A partial list of standard treatments and conditions that benefit greatly from the Gut Rebuilder Program follows.

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Celiac disease
  • CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • CKD (chronic kidney disease)
  • Depression
  • Detoxification of heavy metals
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases caused by Lyme bacteria
  • Diseases of the skin
  • Disorders of the mood
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Functional Dyspepsia and Food Allergies
  • Hair loss
  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
  • IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Insomnia
  • Management of chronic illnesses
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Symptoms of gastroparesis
  • The obesity epidemic
  • The vitiligo condition
  • Therapy with radiation
  • Treatment of autoimmunity diseases
  • Treatment with antibiotics
  • Treatment with chemotherapy

These are just a few examples.

Program to Rebuild the Gut

The gut rebuilder kit includes 2 quarts of Silver Water, 1 bottle of Ultrazyme Plus, 1 container of Silver Water Greens, 1 pound of WR Dulse Seaweed, 1 bottle of Ultrabiotic Plus, and 1 bottle of Bio-DynaZyme, as a one-month supply.

How to Rebuild Your Gut

1. If you are not allergic to seafood, take 3 drops of Lugol’s Iodine in 3 ounces of water first thing in the morning.

2. Wait at least 20 minutes before taking the following:

  • Silver water, 1 ounce
  • Stabilized greens, 1/2 ounce
  • Ultrazyme Plus 5 capsules
  • Ultrabiotic Plus capsules
  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme capsule

3. In the mid-day take

Option A:

    • 20 minutes before lunch, take 2 Ultrabiotic Plus capsules
    • In place of salt, use Dulse seaweed throughout the day as a seasoning or garnish

Note: If eating a midday lunch meal, take 2 capsules Ultrazyme Plus (subtract 2 from evening dose).

Option B:

In the absence of a mid-day meal:

    • Reminder: In place of salt, use 1/2 ounce of Dulse seaweed throughout the day as a seasoning or garnish

4. In the evening:

    • Take 5 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus (3 if 2 were taken mid-day before eating lunch)
    • Ulrabiotic Plus capsules
    • Bio-Dyna-Zyme capsule

Here’s a great idea: You could easily add the ingredients to a healthy shake if you’re a smoothie fan.

How to Rebuild Optimal Gut Health Kit one-month supply ingredients. 2 quarts silver water, 1 bottle Ultrazyme Plus, 1 container Stabilized Greens, 1 pound WR Dulse Seaweed, 1 bottle Ultrabiotic Plus, 1 bottle Bio-DynaZyme, 1 bottle Iodine 6.6% Lugol’s w/dropper.

Using Wayne Rowland’s Gut Rebuilder Kit, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, better tolerate treatment, and recover more quickly. Besides rebuilding the gut, the Gut Rebuilder Kit also rebuilds and strengthens blood and tissue, helps balance mood, and sharpens thought processes.


This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended for treating, diagnosing, or curing any disease.

Colloidal Silver Water Gel

Colloidal silver water gel is made up of tiny silver particles suspended in a gel base. This product is often used as a topical antiseptic due to its ability to hinder the growth of microorganisms through protein structure disruption. It attaches to bacteria and other microbes, leading to their demise, without harming human cells. Upon skin application, the silver particles are believed to interact with and interrupt the activity of bacteria and fungi cells, resulting in their elimination.

The top purposes for using colloidal silver water gel include,

1. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Wounds and Infections

The colloidal silver water gel has been used to treat various skin infections. It can be applied directly to the affected area or used in a bandage or dressing. By killing microbes, it reduces infection risk and improves symptoms. As well as helping to reduce infection risk and speed healing, colloidal silver water gel can also be applied to burns, cuts, and wounds.

The use of colloidal silver on the skin and other soft tissues accelerates healing, which makes it useful for treating cuts, scrapes, and rashes. By decreasing swelling and increasing cellular repair, it shortened the time it took for an injury to heal for the patient to make a full recovery.

In the early days/weeks following an infection, silver water gel is used to treat both chronic and acute wounds that are at risk of infection. After that, dressings made without silver are used.

When used topically, colloidal silver gel may aid the body’s immune system in fighting off infections and speeding up the healing of damaged skin. In addition to treating skin infections, wounds, and burns, it remains on for hours when combined with bandages and dressings.

2. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Eczema

Colloidal silver water gel helps soothe irritation and prevent infections caused by eczema and other skin conditions, which can cause dry, itchy skin.

Studies have shown that colloidal silver water gel reduces inflammation, which is consistent with atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin disorders, as well as eczema symptoms being greatly reduced.

3. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Acne

It is safe to use colloidal silver water gel to treat acne vulgaris and reduce inflammation associated with acne and other skin conditions.

For those suffering from acne vulgaris, silver water gel can be an effective treatment for moderate cases of acne vulgaris.

4. Revitalizing Skin Treatment

We’ve packed colloidal silver water gel with the power of structured silver atomic particles to help your skin heal naturally. Ideal for prolonged silver water surface contact after sun exposure, skin abrasions, or other times when extended cellular rejuvenation is needed. As a non-oil facial moisturizer, it is popular with women, and more and more men are adopting the silver water gel technology as well.

Uniquely Manufactured

Siler water gel is uniquely invented by Wayne Rowland and manufactured in his original factory using his Tesla lightning machine which also imbues the silver water with the B-flat chord healing frequencies that are waning from our planet. This is the original Silver Wain Water suspended in a gel base.

Originally created to treat burn patients, the gel sticks to the skin on burn wounds long enough to increase the overall healing benefits for the treatment regimen.

Silver Water Gel is a 100% natural application of colloidal silver water.

Silver water gel is a combination of plant gelatin and Silver Water.

Not only used to heal burned skin, but it works very well for

  • lubricating skin
  • softening skin
  • diminishing skin wrinkles
  • revive damaged collagen
  • face skin cream

It also works very well for

  • skin sores
  • scabies
  • skin ulcer
  • diabetic skin infection
  • rashes
  • insect bites
  • animal bite or animal scratches
  • scrapes
  • knife cuts
  • baby’s diaper rash

Personal care

  • use as a makeup base
  • underarms
  • aftershave gel
  • natural and a safe lubricant
  • great for yeast problems

Absorption of Colloidal Silver Water Gel

It absorbs in less than 2 minutes, leaving your skin soft, supple, and non-greasy.

Most commonly, colloidal silver water gel is applied twice daily to the skin in a thin layer.

External Use Only.

All-Natural Colloidal Silver Water Gel, Pure, Safe, Refreshing, Anti-bacterial.

Treats minor cuts, lacerations, abrasions, 1st and 2nd-degree burns, and minor skin irritations.

Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.