Category Archives: Colloidal Silver Water

How I Conducted Wayne Rowland’s Parasite Cleanse Thoroughly.

Every year, I make sure to do a thorough three-week cleanse. This time around, I decided to take on the Wayne Rowland Clean Me Up Program Challenge. It’s not something to be taken lightly. This challenge involves a 3-month cleanse for the entire body, targeting parasites and pathogens. While some opt for a shorter one-month challenge and see significant changes, I wanted to ensure that I made the most out of this opportunity. With guidance from my natural nutritionist and life coach, who happens to be an Olympian, I incorporated other lifestyle changes alongside the parasite cleanse over the course of three months.

My goal is to initiate life changes over the next three months to develop a crystal-clean body fueled by the best foods I could provide now and in the future. By the end of the three months, I would not only have rid myself of parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, and molds, I would have converted to veganism after being a lifelong carnivore.

Even though I don’t know if anyone would desire to make such a drastic change in their lives, I share how I conducted Wayne Rowland’s Parasite Cleanse thoroughly just in case anyone is interested.

How to Get Started

You will need a one-month supply of Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Program, which includes the following:


A key component of our “CLEAN ME UP” Program, Ultrazyme Plus supports the body’s efforts to effectively eliminate parasites by combining enzymes and colloidal minerals.

Wayne’s all-natural vegetable-based enzymes are blended with ionically charged colloidal minerals for optimal effect.

As a supplement to your meals, take 3 Ultrazyme Plus capsules at the start of each meal, adhering to the recommended adult dosage.

The price of 1 – 256 fl. oz. silver water [2gal jugs] is $150.00 (Free Shipping in the USA).

A wide range of microorganisms are susceptible to Silver Water, including bacteria, viruses, and amoebas commonly found in the feces of parasites residing in blood and bowels.

More than 9 billion electrically charged, antimicrobial particles are present in every ounce of Wayne’s Silver Water. In addition to being less than 0.002 microns in size, these silver particles are permanently bound to pure deionized water’s unique B-flat frequency-enhanced structure. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can all be killed by Wayne’s Silverwater.

In the first 30 days, take 8 to 10 ounces of liquid per day (8 if you use 2 ounces in your morning smoothie, 10 if you do not). In months 2 and 3, you will only need 4 gallons (2 two-gallon jugs), but most people get three jugs and continue to take 4 oz. servings for the following months.

A 15 oz. container of silver water greens is available for $66.00

Wayne’s Silver Water Greens, a phytofood rich in nutrients and prebiotic fiber, complete this cleansing process.

Taking two heaping tablespoons of this organic mix of over 100 different green foods every day helps to nitrify the body, blood, and organ tissue.

(In a breakfast shake) 2 heaping tablespoons (1/2 ounce).


The seaweed dulse has blood and tissue-rebuilding properties, as well as cognitive benefits.

My taste for this seaweed developed over time, and I often exceeded the recommended one ounce per day.

A 2 oz bottle of Lugol’s 5% Iodine solution costs $28.98 (this is equivalent to two years’ supply).

The total cost of the 30-day “CLEAN ME UP” kit may vary depending on where the kit is shipped to,

Since you will only be taking two drops per day in three ounces of water to begin the program, one bottle of Lugol’s iodine will cover all three months.

Human nutrition and disease prevention are well established benefits of iodine.

The Clean Me Up Kit does not include the following items.

In addition, Wayne’s Ultrabiotic Plus contains 12 strains of powerful probiotics with a strength of five billion CFU per gram. It will restore all of the necessary bacteria for optimal intestinal function. Our intestines require certain strains of bacteria to break down food and protect us from harmful bacteria and pathogens that thrive there.

I took three capsules per day (as recommended).

BIO-DYNA ZYME PLUS should be added

In addition to killing negative, non-beneficial anaerobic bacteria, Wayne’s Bio-DynaZyme Plus strengthens the good, beneficial aerobic bacteria while altering the intestinal environment. The capsules are taken with meals, so there is no need to fast. Take one each with two meals a day.

I added Bio-Dynazyme capsules (6-8 capsules) into my routine every 3rd and 4th night.

SERRAPEPTASE should be added

Inflammation can be reduced, and blood can be cleaned with serrapeptase.

As an enzyme known as serrapeptase, it has found applications in a wide range of medical fields, including general surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, and gynecology. These practices and procedures benefit from its recognized analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Biofilm and mucus can be cleared by this powerful enzyme, and its reputation for reducing inflammation is well-established in the medical community.

Daily, take two capsules or add to your shake (see instructions above).

In the morning, I took two capsules of the Daily Wood Serrapeptase 2400. It includes 120 capsules, which is a two-month supply, so you will need two bottles. After your three-month challenge, you will have another month’s supply. Continue to take these products as well as any other products left over after the challenge until they are no longer needed.


The dependable dewormer, Vermox, is also known as Mebendazole or Emverm. Albendazole, with its wide range of deworming abilities, is more common, and Ivermectin is gaining popularity, as well.

By doing a little research, you will be able to avail these products as they become available.

Zimecterin Gold was used in the first week of the first month because it tackled all the parasites Ivermectin tackled, plus Praziquantel was added to combat tapeworms.

Pyrantel Paste was used for the second month, followed by Ivermectin for the third month.

Deworming pastes are designed to treat large horses in one dose, so I divided the contents into seven daily doses taken in the first week of the clean-up challenge.

Some individuals choose to add dewormer to the first and third months, in addition to the necessary second month (like myself). I personally made the decision to switch up my deworming routine based on the approach of veterinarians with horses. By rotating different types of dewormers such as Zimecterin and Ivermectin (both Macrocyclic lactones, ending in “in”) and Pyrantel (Pyrimidines, ending in “tel”), and occasionally using Benzimidazoles (identified by their brand names ending in “ole”), veterinarians aim to prevent the development of superbugs from repeated use of one type of dewormer. To minimize this risk, I follow their guidance and alternate between these three categories.

Depending on one’s needs and results, one can run the Clean Me Up Program for one to three months.

Every meal should include three enzymes and one probiotic. Avoid sugar and alcohol.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Eat organic food as much as possible. Don’t eat processed food or junk food.

The body will be cleansed of bacteria, fungi, worms, and other parasites, as well as the pH and digestive system will be restored, leading to better immunity.

With this cleanse, you will feel much more energetic and clear-headed. The cleanse is designed to be used for 30 to 90 days optimally, but even two weeks will provide significant results.

The following fruits and vegetables are OK to purchase non-organic.

Beets, pumpkins, and squash

Turnips, cabbage, mushrooms

Mango, onion, cauliflower

Kiwi, asparagus, peas

Avocado grapefruit eggplant

Sweet potato, broccoli, and cantaloupe

The water and other products you have left over will continue to kill pathogens over the next month, so consider doing your own research on the importance of balanced PH and digestive health.

Prior to Conducting Wayne Rowland’s Cleanse Challenge

In preparation for the cleanse, I followed a three-week regimen of purified water treatment with the NACS chlorine dioxide kit.

This two-part solution involves combining equal drops of Part 1 and Part 2, swirling them in a glass, and letting them activate for 30 seconds before adding at least 4 ounces of high-quality water (I personally used distilled water, as it offers the most purification benefits for the body). It was recommended by Paris Humble and my nutritional doctor gave their approval. The frequency of consumption was once every hour for eight hours (which I adhered to while awake).

I would (and still do) take five activated drops in water before leaving the house (going out in public) and another five drops in water upon returning home, just as a precautionary step before and after integrating with society (going out in public). By doing so, I was able to feel more confident about going out in public at a time when you never know what you might face. I continued doing so throughout the clean-me-up challenge.

I also eliminated all Canola oil, high fructose corn syrup, wheat, and aspartame from my diet during these three weeks of preparation. In order to complete the transformation over the three-month period, more changes would be made during the cleanse. I no longer consume these four things.

In order to cleanse and remove parasites from the blood and bowel, we recommend the following “CLEAN ME UP PROGRAM”:

1) Take 2 drops of Lugol’s Iodine in 3 oz of water first thing in the morning. Make sure you are not allergic to iodine!

2) Blend 2 oz of Silver Water after 15 – 20 minutes.

3) Add 2 heaping tablespoons of Silver Water Stabilized Greens (Phyto Food).

4) Then sprinkle 5 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus into the smoothie.

5) Optional: Add 3 oz of juice

6) 3 drops of vanilla extract

7) For texture, add half a banana

8) Add any fruit or vegetable juice to it (just for taste and texture) – If you add orange juice, you might want to switch out the Silver Water and drink it alone.

9) Dulse is salty in taste (1 teaspoon per day) – you can add it to smoothies, salads, or soups – experiment.

10) Take two capsules of 1200,000 Serrapeptase or break them open and add them to the mixture.

You can also add 2 tablespoons of Chia Seeds and a touch of coconut oil to your morning shake.

Another round should be considered when

As it completes the cleansing process, Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Program will continue to remove parasites and pathogens for another month and a half after you complete it. This cleanse is typically conducted once or twice a year by Clean-me-uppers. They recommend at least a three-month break between cleanses.

The best cleanse of all time

This was the most impressive self-health-management thing I’ve ever done on my own, and I’m so proud that I was able to accomplish it, coming out victorious.

I gave myself three months during the cleanse to go vegan, but I didn’t need to. From the first day, I started eating vegan, and I haven’t eaten any meat (eggs or dairy) since.

Looking forward to a healthier future, I am extremely satisfied.

~ Ian Valdus

Latest update:

Frequently, I am asked:

“Have there been any side effects?”

As well as

“Did you notice anything?””

Wow, “Yes, there were” and “I did,” but you should keep in mind that if you have no experience with parasite cleansing and/or detoxification, this will be nothing new to you. If not, you should do some research.

That’s all I can say since it’s different for everyone.


Wayne Rowland – Parasites… The Silent Killers Tesla Tech Video

In a rare moment, Wayne Rowland allowed himself to be captured on video while presenting at the Global Sciences Congress in Tampa Florida.  Thankfully, we learn much about Wayne in this video.


Wayne Roland shares a compelling story about his life, emphasizing its challenging and transformative nature. Born on a North Dakota Indian reserve, he was raised by a shaman and his wife after his young mother couldn’t cope. His early focus was on accessing information from “God’s banquet table” to survive.

Despite never attending school, he learned to read and write using an 1840s engineering encyclopedia, revealing ancient engineering principles that are now being recognized again.

Wayne’s desire to become an engineer faced rejection, leading him to establish a successful fur trading group. He eventually bought his own engineering firm and built government buildings. However, a tragic accident during a contract left him severely burned and suffering from lead poisoning. He became a member of the “to die with dignity” club but defied the odds with a miraculous intervention.

A fellow named Ray Schmidt sent Wayne a unique remedy for lead poisoning, prompting a remarkable recovery. Wayne faced challenges, including cancer and arthritis, emerging as a survivor with a profound understanding of life and health. The story hints at Wayne’s discoveries about overcoming life’s hurdles and offers insights into his journey of resilience.

He challenges common health practices, stating that typical vitamin programs hit a wall, especially as people age. Wayne claims to have found a way to overcome this barrier, emphasizing the importance of deworming.

He criticizes the conventional belief that parasites are only a problem in third-world countries, asserting that everyone has a parasite issue. Wayne recounts his personal experience, deworming himself and extracting eight to ten-inch parasites, leading him to deworm over a hundred thousand people with notable improvements.

See: Wayne’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol

Wayne introduces the concept of vibration and frequency, suggesting that changing one’s vibration through deworming can force parasites to leave or die within the body. He discusses the relationship between parasites and various health issues, including cancer, arthritis, and bad breath.

Wayne emphasizes the prevalence of parasites in everyday foods and how they enter the body through osmosis. He proposes a deworming program, claiming success in addressing conditions like diabetes, Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue, and Candida.

Additionally, Wayne delves into the impact of parasites on thymus function, the development of warts, and even hair loss. He introduces a deworming program that he claims has helped individuals regain their health and addresses various associated health challenges.

Wayne Roland concludes his presentation by discussing the practical applications of the unique colloidal silver wain water he produces. He suggests using the water for various health issues, such as treating children’s eye infections, pink eye, and chronic ear infections. Wayne claims that the FDA is now aware of the water’s effectiveness and is implementing measures to restrict its promotion and availability.

He expresses concern about upcoming FDA regulations, stating that after a certain date, individuals won’t be able to freely discuss or purchase silver water. Wayne sees this as a form of censorship and warns the audience about the impending restrictions on health-related discussions. He mentions that colloids are being removed from the market, leaving people unable to read about or buy effective health solutions.

Wayne then transitions to discussing age regression and introduces a human growth hormone boost that he claims can make individuals look and feel younger. He acknowledges potential side effects related to increased performance in men and emphasizes the limited availability of this product due to anticipated regulatory changes.

He touches on additional health tips, such as Lugol’s iodine for combating Candida and promoting general health. Wayne briefly mentions his workshop, where he plans to teach a step-by-step program on accessing God’s banquet table for spiritual experiences.

Wayne concludes with a discussion of Nikola Tesla’s time travel devices, asserting that he owns one of Tesla’s original devices that can transport individuals to another planet. He expresses excitement about future inventions, such as a gasoline device that doubles gas mileage, and promises to demonstrate the second-dimensional time unit at a future event. Wayne bids farewell, expressing his hope for people to achieve better health and happiness.


FDA vs. Silver’s Therapeutic Potential: Why the Controversy?

The FDA’s stance on the therapeutic value of silver has long been a topic of debate, with many arguing that the agency’s position protects the interests of pharmaceutical giants. In contrast, the EPA permits the widespread use of silver as a germ-killing agent in various consumer products. This discrepancy raises questions about the true potential of silver as a therapeutic agent.

A History of Silver’s Antimicrobial Use

Silver’s antimicrobial properties have been recognized for centuries, leading to the use of silver utensils and containers. However, recent developments in nanotechnology have given rise to nano silver, which involves creating silver particles smaller than 100 nanometers (a billionth of a meter) in size. These minuscule particles have the potential to penetrate areas of the body that larger silver particles cannot, thereby increasing silver’s antimicrobial efficacy. Nevertheless, the downsides of nanosilver, including potential misuse, have sparked concerns.

Nanosilver: Promise and Controversy

The use of nanosilver has raised both hopes and concerns. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) took legal action in 2012 to challenge the EPA’s approval of nanosilver without comprehensive data on its potential risks. Critics argue that frivolous uses of nanosilver in products like bedding and clothing for odor prevention could overshadow its important therapeutic applications.

The Multifaceted Attack of Silver

Silver’s antimicrobial effectiveness is attributed to its ability to attack bacteria through three distinct mechanisms:

  1. Weakening Cell Walls: Silver weakens bacterial cell walls, causing them to collapse or burst.
  2. Enzyme Interference: It disrupts the enzymes that bacteria rely on to metabolize nutrients, effectively starving them.
  3. Replication Disruption: Silver interferes with bacteria’s ability to replicate.

This three-pronged approach makes it challenging for bacteria to develop resistance to silver, although not entirely impossible.

A Path Towards Antibiotic Resistance Mitigation

The weakening of bacterial cell walls by silver also facilitates the entry of conventional antibiotics, reducing the necessary dosage. Research conducted at Boston University on mice demonstrated that adding silver to antibiotics lowered the required antibiotic doses and even reversed antibiotic resistance in E. coli bacteria, rendering them susceptible to tetracycline. Importantly, the mice remained unharmed by the silver treatment.

This development is significant as it may compel medical authorities to reevaluate silver as a therapeutic agent. Furthermore, it could hold the key to addressing the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant diseases.

Therapeutic Applications and Effectiveness

Numerous studies have highlighted silver’s therapeutic potential. It has demonstrated powerful effects against various infections, including thrush, pericoronitis, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. In cattle, silver nanoparticles in blood serum displayed highly potent antibacterial activity against certain strains. Despite this growing body of evidence, the FDA has not recognized colloidal silver (silver suspended in a liquid) as a safe and effective antibiotic since 1996.

However, scientific studies challenge this stance. Research indicates that ionic colloidal silver is highly effective at killing bacteria, contradicting the FDA’s claims. The potential for silver to act as an antibacterial agent with low human toxicity has also been acknowledged.

Silver’s Role in Combatting Tuberculosis and Viruses

Tuberculosis, particularly multi-drug-resistant TB, presents a significant global health challenge. Silver’s effectiveness against TB and its lack of known resistance mechanisms make it a potential tool in the fight against this disease.

Silver nanoparticles have also shown promise in combatting viral infections, including HIV, hepatitis B, and the H1N1 influenza A virus. Coating condoms with silver nanoparticles has inactivated HIV and herpes simplex viruses, and silver-enhanced water filters have proven more effective at removing viruses from drinking water.

Is Colloidal Silver Safe?

Colloidal silver appears safe for use by individuals and families when used according to manufacturer instructions. However, care should be taken to avoid overdosing. It is generally advisable to reserve silver for more serious infections rather than everyday issues like acne.

The Quest for Purity: Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water

In the realm of colloidal silver, Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water stands out. Produced through a cutting-edge process that creates monatomic particles of ionic silver, it has a 20-year history of success. Wayne Rowland’s dedication to perfecting this process has resulted in a product with hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers. This Silver Water is considered to enhance the body’s natural defense system.

Wayne Rowland built a state-of-the-art Tesla lightning type machine to produce his unique brand of silver water. Rowland’s Silver Water is known by many names, Wain Water, B-flat water, magic water, and others. This water is tested batch after batch and certified pure and crystal clear.

Wayne Rowland, the inventor of this silver water process has spent millions of dollars using Tesla and Rife technologies and 22 years on perfecting the process resulting in his B-flat resonance silver water.

FDA’s Controversial Position

Despite mounting evidence supporting silver’s antimicrobial properties and therapeutic potential, the FDA maintains its stance against recognizing silver as a safe and effective antibiotic. Critics argue that the agency’s reluctance may be influenced by the fact that silver, as a natural substance, is not easily patentable. Consequently, there is limited financial incentive for companies to invest the substantial funds required for FDA approval. This situation has raised concerns about the potential consequences for public health, especially as antibiotic-resistant diseases continue to proliferate.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding silver’s therapeutic value persists, with proponents highlighting its potential as a powerful antimicrobial and critics questioning the FDA’s stance. The ongoing debate underscores the need for comprehensive research and regulatory clarity regarding silver’s role in healthcare.

Top 10 Colloidal Silver Water Uses Should You Do It Yourself

The immune system, a complex network of antibodies, white blood cells, and proteins, stands as our body’s guardian against invading pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and infections. Its function is to recognize and eliminate these threats, safeguarding our overall health. Colloidal silver, a natural mineral, has emerged as a potential immune-boosting solution. However, the choice between homemade and high-quality options, like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, demands careful consideration.

The Immune System’s Battle Plan

Working in harmony, the immune system forms a formidable defense against microbes. By blocking their entry and growth, it prevents illnesses from taking root. Yet, at times, the immune system might require reinforcement to function optimally.

Silver: A Natural Immune Boost

Colloidal silver has gained attention as a potential immune system enhancer. Scientific research suggests that regular consumption of silver could effectively bolster and maintain immune health. Unlike synthetic alternatives, colloidal silver harnesses the power of a natural mineral to support our body’s defenses.

The Benefits of Colloidal Silver

  1. Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
    • Remarkably, silver exhibits the ability to combat over 650 bacteria, fungi, parasites, and molds.
    • Dr. Larry C. Ford’s work at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s showcased silver’s capacity to eradicate antibiotic-resistant super-pathogens without known side effects.
  2. Facilitating Healing
    • Dr. Robert O. Becker’s groundbreaking work revealed that silver ions applied directly to infected wounds triggered not only pathogen destruction but also accelerated tissue and bone regeneration.
    • Silver’s potential for healing extends to conditions like burns, thrush, and periodontitis.
  3. Virucidal Properties
    • Research suggests that colloidal silver may halt viruses by interfering with their oxygen utilization enzymes.
    • This suffocates and kills viruses, offering potential antiviral benefits.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Potential
    • Recent studies point to nanocrystalline silver-derived solutions as having anti-inflammatory and pro-healing properties, opening new avenues for treatment.
  5. Respiratory Health
    • Silver’s potential extends to treating sinus infections and respiratory inflammation, contributing to alleviating allergies and asthma.
  6. Cold and Flu Defense
    • Taking small daily amounts of colloidal silver may fortify the immune system, reducing the risk of colds and flu.
    • Scientific studies have demonstrated its efficacy in aiding recovery.
  7. Bronchitis and Pneumonia Support
    • Ingesting silver internally could offer support against bronchitis and pneumonia.
  8. Water Purification
    • Recent studies at UCLA have revealed that silver, in appropriate concentrations, can purify water effectively.
  9. MRSA Elimination
    • Colloidal silver has shown effectiveness against MRSA infections, a significant cause of mortality.
  10. Antibiotic Alternative
    • Unlike antibiotics that lead to resistance, silver doesn’t prompt immunity development.
    • With antibiotic-resistant infections becoming a concern, silver is being explored as a potential alternative.

Choosing Quality: Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water

While homemade colloidal silver might seem tempting, its inconsistency and potential risks merit caution. Commercial options like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water offer rigorous quality control, ensured purity, and specific health benefits. The infusion of the b-flat musical frequency adds to its unique appeal, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a reliable immune-boosting solution.

Embracing a Natural Approach

As the trend toward natural solutions for disease prevention gains traction, colloidal silver supplements present an alternative to conventional medicine. The choice between DIY versions and professionally manufactured products ultimately lies in individual preferences and priorities. However, the meticulous manufacturing processes, proven efficacy, and potential unique benefits of products like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water may offer a more secure path towards a bolstered immune system and better overall health.

Exploring Colloidal Silver Water: DIY Production and the Advantages of High-Quality Options

In recent years, colloidal silver has gained popularity as an alternative health remedy. This home-brewed concoction involves suspending microscopic silver particles in water. While some enthusiasts promote the do-it-yourself approach using a 9-volt battery, there are compelling reasons to consider high-quality commercial products like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, manufactured with precision and is imbued with the b-flat musical frequency.

DIY Colloidal Silver Water: A Basic Primer

The concept behind colloidal silver water is quite simple: submicroscopic silver particles are dispersed in water through a process called electrolysis. Enthusiasts often attempt to create this solution at home using a 9-volt battery, silver wire, and distilled water. By attaching the silver wire to the battery’s terminals and immersing it in water, tiny silver particles gradually separate and mix into the water.

Proponents of this DIY method suggest that colloidal silver water boasts antimicrobial properties, potentially fighting various infections. However, there are significant concerns with this approach:

  1. Quality Control
    • Creating colloidal silver water at home lacks precision.
    • Controlling particle size and concentration becomes challenging, leading to an inconsistent product.
  2. Purity
    • Commercially produced colloidal silver undergoes rigorous processes to ensure purity.
    • Homemade versions might introduce impurities from the silver wire, battery, or other equipment.
  3. Safety
    1. When homemade solutions lack proper quality control, there’s a risk of excessive silver consumption, leading to a condition called argyria, where the skin turns gray-blue.
  4. Effectiveness
    • The antimicrobial efficacy of homemade colloidal silver water may be questionable due to the variability in particle size and concentration.

Advantages of Premium Colloidal Silver Water: Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water

Considering these drawbacks, opting for professionally manufactured colloidal silver water becomes a prudent choice. One such product is Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, a premium option that stands out for several reasons:

  1. Quality Assurance
    • Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure consistent particle size and concentration, maximizing its potential health benefits.
  2. Purity Guaranteed
    • Commercial products like Wain Water use pure silver in their production, minimizing the risk of introducing impurities into the solution.
  3. Safety First
    • Professional manufacturing processes help prevent excessive silver intake, ensuring users avoid the risk of argyria.
  4. Effectiveness Backed by Science
    • Commercial colloidal silver products often come with scientific research supporting their effectiveness against certain pathogens which may not be duplicatable by DIY versions.
  5. Additional Benefits
    • Wayne Rowland’s Silver Wain Water, for instance, is imbued with the b-flat musical frequency, an intriguing claim that offers unique therapeutic potential.

Making an Informed Choice

While the allure of creating colloidal silver water at home may seem appealing, the potential risks and uncertainties surrounding its quality and safety warrant careful consideration. Opting for professionally manufactured products, such as Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, provides a level of confidence in both the product’s quality and its potential benefits.

Ultimately, the decision rests on individual preferences and priorities. For those seeking a reliable and effective colloidal silver water, commercial options backed by research and quality assurance may be the optimal choice, offering a safer and more consistent path to reaping the potential benefits of this alternative health remedy.

With the surge in interest towards natural remedies, silver supplements are gaining traction as an alternative to conventional medicine in the fight against disease and infections.

For more insights on Wayne’s “silver water,” visit Top Seller Best Sellers. Contact via email: or call (360) 748-4426 to speak to Taylore Vance.


Wayne Rowland Creator of Silver Wain Water and Nikola Tesla.

Born on a Native American Reservation and raised under the tutelage of a shaman, Wayne Rowland is a “sensitive” with remarkable powers of perception and insight. For many years, he has studied the diverse world of metaphysics and has worked extensively with the ideas and equipment developed by Nikola Tesla.

Wayne is an entertaining and humorous speaker who reads the aura or energy of the group to determine the direction his talk should take.

He is also an inventor who, in his own words, “goes directly to God’s banquet table” for ideas and inspiration. From this same table, he will often draw or “channel” information during the course of his presentations.

Wayne was drawn into the field of health, science, and alternative medicine seventeen years ago when faced with his own life-threatening health challenges after being embedded in a wall by a lead explosion. Hospital doctors offered little hope of recovery. His life was saved, finally, not by the best medical team available but by a priest who presented him with blue-green algae to ingest and form into poultices.

Wayne left the hospital with his faith in the medical establishment severely shaken. Lead residue in his body subsequently resulted in the development of stomach and esophagus cancer. When he once again sought medical help, he was told: “Try chemotherapy.” Upon researching the proposed treatment, he discovered that the FDA – approved chemotherapy was in fact a form of mustard gas – used as a poison in World War I.

Enough! This was Wayne’s last visit to a doctor. He made a conscious decision to become totally responsible for his own health and began to look to the past for health care solutions that would not be controlled by the drug cartels.

In his search, Wayne first investigated the work of Royal Rife and the Rife microscope. Next came Wilhelm Reich with his devices. Finally, Wayne focused his attention on the ideas and technology of Nikola Tesla, and why this information has been suppressed. Together, with a small group of scientists, he has been building Tesla-inspired devices ever since.

Based on his findings, Wayne left his interests in Rife and Reich technologies to focus entirely on Tesla’s technologies. Utilizing Nikola Tesla’s technologies, he uses Tesla’s manmade lightning to create Silver Wain Water, which is available today under the simple brand name Silver Water.


What is Colloidal Silver Water and How Can You Use It Better

Throughout history, humans have engaged in the practice of tossing coins into wells and fountains, a tradition that has been associated with wish-making. However, one theory suggests that this practice was not solely driven by wish-making but also had a practical purpose. It is believed that ancient people may have been aware of the antibacterial properties of silver, leading them to toss silver coins into water sources like wells to make the water safer for consumption. Over time, the use of silver for health benefits has continued, especially in the colloidal form, where silver nanoparticles are suspended in water.

The popularity of colloidal silver has risen in recent decades, but its health benefits have been recognized for over a thousand years. Historical records indicate that silver was used for medicinal purposes as far back as 2,000 years ago. Renowned figures such as Hippocrates and Avicenna utilized silver to heal various medical conditions. In the 14th century, Conrad von Megenberg documented silver’s potential to treat ailments like scabies and bleeding hemorrhoids.

Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathic medicine, also employed silver to treat medical conditions, including using silver nitrate to stop bleeding. Today, medical professionals still use silver nitrate to control mild bleeding after dermatological procedures. However, excessive consumption of silver can lead to a condition called argyria, turning a person’s skin blue.

Before the discovery of antibiotics, colloidal silver was commonly used to combat infections. Although this practice diminished over time, it saw a resurgence in the 1990s due to concerns about antibiotic resistance.

The mechanism of action behind colloidal silver is believed to involve silver nano-molecules entering bacteria and viruses, causing structural changes and rendering them non-functional. Silver is also thought to bind to certain enzymes in viruses, fungi, and parasites, inactivating them.

Colloidal silver is associated with various potential benefits, such as:

  1. Anti-bacterial properties: Studies have suggested that colloidal silver can disrupt the “biofilm” formed by bacteria and directly destroy bacterial cell walls, which are essential for their reproduction. However, it may also impact beneficial gut bacteria, so the use of probiotics alongside colloidal silver is advised.
  2. Anti-viral properties: Research has indicated that silver nanoparticles can hinder the binding of certain viruses, like HIV and herpes, to host cells, reducing their infectiousness. However, colloidal silver should not be used as a preventive measure against HIV or herpes.
  3. Anti-fungal properties: Colloidal silver has shown anti-fungal activity in studies conducted at various concentrations.
  4. Dental cavities: Some studies suggest that colloidal silver may help prevent tooth cavities and reduce the risk of infection during dental implants.
  5. Wound healing/skin burns: Colloidal silver has been found to aid in the healing of second-degree burns and decrease the risk of wound infection.
  6. Sinus health: While some people claim the benefits of colloidal silver spray for sinus infections, studies proving overall effectiveness are limited.

Silver water has also been utilized in hospital settings, with silver-lined Foley catheters and certain intravenous tubing being used to reduce urinary and bacterial infections in patients.

Regarding safety, the maximum daily intake of silver should not exceed 14 mcg/kg daily. Rarely, excessive silver intake can lead to argyria, resulting in a bluish-gray skin color. Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals are generally advised to avoid using silver unless advised otherwise by their healthcare provider.

Colloidal silver water may interact with certain medications, reducing their absorption. Notably, antibiotics and the thyroid medication levothyroxine may be affected.

When using colloidal silver water, recommended dosages vary depending on the purpose, and it is essential to follow the instructions on the product label. Long-term use of colloidal silver may affect beneficial gut bacteria, so probiotic supplementation is often recommended.

In conclusion, colloidal silver water has a long history of being used for various health benefits, but its safety and effectiveness require careful consideration and further research. Before using colloidal silver, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine its appropriateness for individual needs and health conditions.


How to Use Colloidal Silver in Case of an Emergency / Crisis

During times of crisis, such as after a terror attack, natural disaster, or emergency situation when medical care might be scarce, colloidal silver should be found in your emergency kit as it can serve as a valuable resource to help keep families safe and infection-free.

Colloidal silver is an all-natural infection-fighting agent that usually works regardless of the type of pathogen causing the infection, unlike conventional antibiotics that target specific bacteria. A colloidal silver solution is effective against spores, parasites, bacteria, fungus, and even algae.

Here are some different ways colloidal silver water can be utilized in an emergency:

1. Food Preservation

Colloidal silver’s antimicrobial properties help keep foods fresher for longer. Adding colloidal silver to milk can extend its shelf life, and soaking fresh fruits and vegetables in a solution of colloidal silver can eliminate food poisoning pathogens.

2. Home Canning

To prevent spoilage in home-canned goods, add 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver per quart.

3. Drinking Water Disinfection

Adding colloidal silver to stored water can prevent bacterial contamination. It has been historically used to purify water, and even modern water filters utilize silver in their filtration process.

4. Household Disinfection

Colloidal silver can be used as a safe, natural, and non-toxic disinfectant for various household items, such as kitchen and bathroom surfaces, sponges, cutting boards, and laundry.

5. Colloidal Silver Bactericide

Silver sulfadiazine was exposed to 657 different types of bacteria from 22 different bacterial species in a 1973 study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. It inhibited all strains at levels easily obtained topically. Even strains resistant to sulfadiazine or multiple antibiotics were sensitive to silver sulfadiazine.

6. Treating Mild to Moderate Food Poisoning

Colloidal silver has been shown to be effective against food poisoning pathogens, including E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella.

7. Treating Eye and Ear Infections

Colloidal silver can stop burgeoning eye and ear infections quickly and effectively.

8. Treating Sinus Infections

Colloidal silver can clear up sinus infections by using an eye dropper, nasal spray bottle, neti pot, or nebulizer. By nebulizing colloidal silver, you can easily and quickly transport the silver into your bloodstream and then into your body’s cells and tissues.

9. Treating Sore Throats/Strep Infections

Gargling with colloidal silver and drinking it can cure strep throat infections.

10. Treating Bug Bites

Colloidal silver can provide relief and prevent infection from wasp, spider, and scorpion bites.

11. Treating Sunburns and Burns

A homemade silver-based salve or cream can help heal sunburns and burns, preventing infection.

12. Treating Colds, Flu, Allergies, and Upper Respiratory Infections

Colloidal silver can help stop these infections.

13. Protecting Pets from Infection and Disease

Colloidal silver can be used on pets for cuts, scrapes, and as an oral supplement.

14. Treating Farm Animals

If you are prepared enough to be self-sufficient enough to have livestock such as (cows, chickens, goats) for food but there’s no veterinarian to be found, you can use colloidal silver to treat farm animals.

15. Potential Help Against Germ Warfare or Biological Weapons Attack

Though not confirmed, colloidal silver may offer some protection against germ warfare agents when taken beforehand and nebulized if exposed.

When asked if there was any natural substance that could protect the population against germ warfare agents, CIA microbiologist Larry Wayne Harris replied: “I only know of colloidal silver as the only natural substance that is effective against these microbes. When I was with the CIA, I tested it myself and found it effective against both anthrax and bubonic plague.”

16. Antimicrobial Face Masks

It is essential to have a good stock of doctor’s surgical masks on hand if you want to be prepared. By spraying one with colloidal silver and allowing it to air dry, you can create an antimicrobial facemask perfect for protection from germ warfare agents or even just general cold and flu viruses.

Colloidal Silver Water is a valuable addition to any preparedness toolkit, it’s important to remember that medical advice and care from healthcare professionals should always be sought when available.


Wayne Rowland Killing Parasites with Colloidal Silver Water+

Wayne Roland, a shaman’s apprentice, and an engineer, explains his learning about healing potions and remedies from a young age. He later became an engineer and established his own engineering firm.

Wayne begins his wellness journey when he sustained injuries that were so severe that he was considered a terminal patient, with third-degree burns covering 15 percent of his body and second-degree burns elsewhere. The accident resulted in extensive lead poisoning from molten lead.

He was referred to a priest named Ray Schmidt, who specializes in treating lead poisoning with green algae from Klamath Lake. Schmidt sends Wayne algae. Despite its pungent smell, Wayne starts using it, and Schmidt advises him to apply it to his burns thereby replacing conventional drugs for pain relief.

Wayne Rowland’s lead poisoning was providing a suitable habitat for parasites to breed in furiously, and it was their waste that had given him cancer, arthritis, and other health issues. The Rife machine he was using inadvertently targeted those parasites, leading to the resolution of his health problems.

He continued his research and found that many people suffer from parasitic infections without even realizing it. He coined the term “silent killer” for parasites because they can cause significant harm while remaining undetected.

After Wayne’s successful experience with the Rife machine and his healing from cancer and arthritis, he became determined to help others suffering from similar health issues. He started building Rife machines to share this alternative healing method with the world.

Wayne also delved deeper into the concept of parasites and their impact on human health. These parasites’ waste can lead to various health problems, including cancer and arthritis.

He coined the term “silent killer” to describe parasites because they can wreak havoc on the body while remaining undetected. Wayne believes that an enormous number of people have parasitic infections, and it’s crucial to address these hidden health threats.

Wayne’s journey and experiences led him to develop a unique perspective on health and healing. He understands the connection between parasitic infections and various health conditions. Wayne’s goal is to raise awareness about these issues and offer alternative solutions to help people regain their health and well-being.

Wayne shares the details of his journey further, sharing anecdotes and success stories of people he has helped with his methods. Among other stories told of others, he details cases of individuals with various health challenges, such as high blood pressure, depression, migraine headaches, and even Alzheimer’s disease, finding relief and healing through deworming and using his “Silver Water.

Wayne focuses on natural remedies, including deworming and the use of silver water and algae to address health issues caused by parasites. He believes in the power of these alternative methods and expresses a desire to spread his knowledge and help as many people as possible.

Wayne Roland also contends that ridding one’s self of parasites and worms is the answer to most diseases and explains how his method of using lightning-produced silver water has shown positive results in addressing these health conditions.

Wayne suggests deworming the body and addressing parasitic infections using his lightning-produced silver water. He claims to have seen significant improvements and even complete recovery in individuals who have followed his method.

Wayne Rowland says, “Pretty much all disease is caused by worms and parasites.”

Rowland who claims to have a comprehensive collection of Nikola Tesla’s original equipment, retired his Rife equipment and using Tesla lightning was able to create his silver water that sustained a perfect b flat frequency.

Wayne’s silver water has helped many patients with third-degree burns, breast tumors, leukemia, lupus, and more. Other success stories have been told about people with diabetes, arthritis, emphysema, asthma, and various other diseases achieving full recovery after deworming and using his silver water.

Even children with diabetes, have gotten rid of it (diabetes) by deworming and using silver water.

In the 1800s, doctors used to deworm people regularly, but modern medicine moved away from that practice.

Wayne developed an age regression program, which involves deworming, an intestinal cleanse, and a three-month regimen to pull back age regression.

Wayne Rowland reports an 80% success rate in Chicago in the 1800s for getting rid of cancer by deworming. In the present day, Wayne has witnessed the overcoming of Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis,  allergies, high blood pressure,  and even paraplegics regrowing spinal columns, through deworming and his water.

Wayne Rowland’s silver water can be ingested orally in any amount, as it contains only music and is considered common drinking water by the FDA.

Wayne Rowland emphasizes the importance of addressing parasitic infections for better health.  Wayne Rowland does not claim any responsibility for any healing, as that is the dominion of the divine and this higher power is responsible for any healing.

See Also, Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Protocol

Tell Me More About Wayne Rowland’s Healing Silver Wain Water

Silver Wain Water is a colloidal silver product that has been developed by inventor, master nutritionist, and wellness intuitive Wayne Rowland. It utilizes Tesla and Rife technology to enhance its effectiveness. One unique aspect of Silver Wain Water is its B flat vibration, which corresponds with the Earth’s vibration. This vibration is believed to facilitate the transition into the new vibration that is currently enveloping our planet.

While we cannot make specific health claims for Silver Wain Water, we have received numerous testimonials and repeat orders from satisfied customers. Colloidal silver, the primary ingredient in Silver Wain Water, is known for its ability to kill various parasites in the body. Renowned author Dr. Hulda Clark has suggested in her books that parasites are the root cause of all diseases.

According to Daryl Tichy from Orem, Utah, colloidal silver has even shown potential in killing the AIDS virus. Moreover, colloidal silver has been used to address a wide range of health disorders such as pneumonia, ear infections in children, colds, sore throats, allergies, flu, diabetes, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, Lyme disease, hemorrhoids, prostate issues, yeast infections, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, canker sores, bad breath, and various skin problems.

The use of silver for medicinal and preservative purposes dates back thousands of years. Unfortunately, it was overshadowed by chemical antibiotics in the 1940s. However, silver’s efficacy is regaining recognition in the medical field. For instance, NASA utilizes silver to purify water for astronauts, and many airlines rely on silver air and water purifiers. Silver Wain Water stands out among colloidal silver products as it guarantees that the silver colloids will remain suspended. It contains a concentration of 3 parts per million (PPM).

Research into the unique characteristics of silver water and water clusters has been ongoing for the past decade. Independent laboratory testing and clinical analysis have verified the distinct properties of the clusters in Silver Water. The development of Silver Water by Wayne Rowland in the late 1980s was a complex and intriguing process. Although the original process was never patented, it has evolved over time, resulting in a more profound product. Today, Wayne Rowland’s factory continues to produce Silver Water using this proprietary process, which remains a trade secret.

The development of Silver Wain Water was inspired by the observation that lightning alters the structure of water, creating different cluster forms with varying durations. Mother nature’s wisdom ensures a balanced environment for organisms thriving in water. Controlling the collapse of lightning into specific frequencies was the key aspect identified by Wayne Rowland during seven and a half years of laboratory experience. Certain types and combinations of frequencies were found to optimize human metabolic and immune function, assisting in overcoming serious health conditions.

The clustering combinations in Silver Wain Water provide unique attributes not found in other clustered silver water products. Monthly testing through independent laboratories consistently confirms that Silver Water enhances metabolic and immune function while effectively combating various pathogenic organisms, including pseudomonas and staph.

Silver Wain Water, with its long history of medicinal use, is making a comeback. Scientific research supports its antimicrobial properties and health-enhancing qualities. Silver Wain Water takes these benefits a step further. Through our FDA-approved facility, we employ Tesla technology to cluster water molecules. These clustered water molecules acquire frequency signatures that become a part of the water’s “memory,” imparting beneficial characteristics. This water exhibits a consciousness or intent similar to that of homeopathic products. Laboratory testing has shown that water can initiate metabolic activity based on the information imprinted in it, rather than the actual presence of substances.

Silver Water has been reported to improve various conditions, including pneumonia, colds, sore throats, flu, allergies, hay fever, arthritis, diabetes, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, ulcers, bladder infections, Lyme disease, prostate problems, yeast infections, herpes, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), gingivitis, canker sores, and skin disorders.

Despite the complexity and time required to produce this exceptional product, Silver Wain Water remains affordable. Wayne Rowland’s production facility strives to provide a high-quality product at a reasonable price. Thanks to improved equipment and increased manufacturing capacity, we can now meet larger demands while maintaining our commitment to affordability.

See Also, Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Protocol

Silver Wain Water offers the potential benefits of colloidal silver enhanced through innovative technology. Although we cannot make specific health claims, the testimonials and repeat orders from our customers speak for themselves. Silver Water has a long history of use and scientific support, and we continue to prioritize quality and affordability in bringing this unique product to our valued customers.

Wayne Rowland’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol.

Wayne Rowland believed that most diseases were the result of any variety of parasites and worms in the human body. Due to his performing extensive parasite cleansing and deworming of himself and individuals diagnosed and suffering from “incurable disease” with tremendous results, Wayne Rowland shared his perspective on parasites and worms, including his parasite cleanse which he refers to as the Clean Me Up Program.

Parasites and Worms

The problem of parasite eggs being present in vegetables and salad dressings is overwhelming. When these eggs hatch in the body, they can cause various health issues, such as flukes in the bloodstream and parasites in the pancreas. The waste produced by these parasites can lead to complications like diabetes when it affects the pancreas.

To address these issues, Wayne developed a parasite cleanse package that is built around his Silver Water and a dewormer.

Wayne Rowland was so confident that his solutions would work that he officered a money-back guarantee for diabetics who followed the deworming package and used his Silver Water. Remarkable recoveries were reported, with individuals reducing or eliminating insulin intake and regaining their health.

Wayne also maintained the effectiveness of the deworming package was immensely powerful in treating breast tumors, which he attributed to parasites affecting the thymus and thyroid glands. By eliminating parasites and restoring proper functioning to these glands, the strength of stomach acid improved, reducing the risk of mold growth and conditions like Candida.

Overall, Wayne’s approach focuses on combating parasites and worms as a means to improve various health conditions, disease, and promote overall well-being.

For those who are not allergic to shellfish or iodine, Lugol’s iodine can be an effective remedy for Candida overgrowth. Taking six drops of Lugol’s iodine three times a day for three days can eliminate mold, fungus, and Candida in the stomach. Lugol’s iodine is an affordable solution for these issues.

Furthermore, leukemia and lupus can be successfully addressed through deworming and the use of his Silver Water. He reported an 80% success rate in treating these conditions.

Wayne Rowland asserts that for conditions like emphysema and asthma, there are translucent white worms living in the lungs.

Worms and parasites are transmitted to humans from pets, and no one is resistant to them. Deworming is so important and has historical roots. Prior to 1940 doctors dewormed patients regularly, which lead to better overall health.

Wayne believed that any variety of disease or ailment causing concerns regarding failing health and mortality could benefit from using his Silver Water and deworming protocol.

Wayne Rowland often testified regarding his own health recovery when he suffered from critically fatal lead poisoning, stomach and esophagus cancer, and high blood pressure through deworming.

Wayne insists that deworming has been effective in treating depression, manic depression, and migraine headaches, attributing these conditions to worms and parasites.

Wayne Rowland’s B-flat Silver Water

Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water was and has been available under the brand name, “Silver Water.” What makes Wayne’s water different from other forms of colloidal silver by the method by which it is created.

Tesla Water

Wayne, an avid collector of original Tesla technology, discovered a way to harness Tesla lightning to create a powerful form of colloidal silver. However, they have diverged from the traditional approach of using parts per million (ppm) concentrations. Instead, they focus on controlling the Hertz rate of lightning and directing it through Tesla lightning bolts that strike pure silver plates in a Pyrex container. The lightning causes boiling molecules on the silver’s surface, which then explode into the rain in a colloidal silver solution with angstrom-sized particles.

This highly charged Tesla Colloidal Silver transmits its properties through water, vibrating at the Hertz rate of a B-flat note.

Wayne often shared success stories of using this solution on third-degree burn patients, where the spray application resulted in regrowth of ears and noses without scarring. He emphasized the healing potential of this method and its ability to broadcast the B-flat note’s beneficial effects throughout the body.


Click here for the full Clean Me Up Program.