Colloidal Silver as a Healthy Alternative to Pharmacology

If you’re looking for a more natural alternative therapy to common health issues, such as sinus infections or colds, you’re likely to hear about colloidal silver soon enough. As colloidal silver is increasingly being adopted by natural alternative specialists as a healthy alternative to commercial pharmacology.

A wide variety of colloidal silver brands can be found in most health food stores and pharmacies, and you can also find a lot of information on the benefits of colloidal silver online. Many sources have conflicting opinions, making the information on the Internet need to be clarified.

There are thousands of testimonials about colloidal silver helping people with almost any disease you can think of. But you will also find some well-known health websites warning about safety concerns.

The FDA – Food and Drug Administration stated in 1999 that colloidal silver has no scientific evidence to support its use.

In order to help you make an informed choice about colloidal silver uses and benefits, I would like to lend you a helping hand and provide some evidence-based information.

Colloidal Silver: What Is It?

The total silver content of colloidal silver is expressed in milligrams per litre of water, or mg/L, which is equivalent to parts per million, or PPM, in numbers.

There have been at least six thousand years of silver use to prevent microbial infections. In addition to being effective against almost all organisms tested, it also contributed to the development of radiology and wound healing, according to research by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

The practice of dropping a silver coin into a container of milk as a preservative was common before the invention of the refrigerator, as silver inhibited the growth of algae, bacteria, and other undesirable organisms.

The use of silver as a natural antibiotic dates back to ancient times. Modern antibiotics replaced silver’s use as a natural antibiotic in the 1940s.

Today, people no longer need to drop silver coins into their water in order to benefit from colloidal silver. Instead, they simply need to drop a few drops from a bottle carefully.

Colloidal silver (it is said by researchers) that it can supposedly help heal the body in three ways, according to a 1996 report by Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of the Silver Institute:

The bacterial and virus sulfhydryl (H) groups around silver readily react with oxygen molecules, resulting in catalytic oxidation. As a result, this prevents life-preserving cellular processes such as cellular respiration from occurring, which involves a series of metabolic reactions and processes in an organism’s cells, converting nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and then releasing waste products.

Silver ions will attach to bacteria cell membranes directly and block respiration.

Approximately 12 percent of silver has been found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, showing that it enters bacteria DNA. The exact mechanism by which silver binds to DNA without destroying the hydrogen bonds that hold it together remains unclear. However, it prevents DNA from unraveling, a crucial step in cell replication.

If you are curious about colloidal silver water and would like to find more information, you might like to check out our FAQ Colloidal Silver Frequently Asked Questions, and possible ask a question of your own about colloidal or ionic silver water.

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