Tag Archives: wayne rowland silver wain water

Colloidal Silver Water Gel

Colloidal silver water gel is made up of tiny silver particles suspended in a gel base. This product is often used as a topical antiseptic due to its ability to hinder the growth of microorganisms through protein structure disruption. It attaches to bacteria and other microbes, leading to their demise, without harming human cells. Upon skin application, the silver particles are believed to interact with and interrupt the activity of bacteria and fungi cells, resulting in their elimination.

The top purposes for using colloidal silver water gel include,

1. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Wounds and Infections

The colloidal silver water gel has been used to treat various skin infections. It can be applied directly to the affected area or used in a bandage or dressing. By killing microbes, it reduces infection risk and improves symptoms. As well as helping to reduce infection risk and speed healing, colloidal silver water gel can also be applied to burns, cuts, and wounds.

The use of colloidal silver on the skin and other soft tissues accelerates healing, which makes it useful for treating cuts, scrapes, and rashes. By decreasing swelling and increasing cellular repair, it shortened the time it took for an injury to heal for the patient to make a full recovery.

In the early days/weeks following an infection, silver water gel is used to treat both chronic and acute wounds that are at risk of infection. After that, dressings made without silver are used.

When used topically, colloidal silver gel may aid the body’s immune system in fighting off infections and speeding up the healing of damaged skin. In addition to treating skin infections, wounds, and burns, it remains on for hours when combined with bandages and dressings.

2. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Eczema

Colloidal silver water gel helps soothe irritation and prevent infections caused by eczema and other skin conditions, which can cause dry, itchy skin.

Studies have shown that colloidal silver water gel reduces inflammation, which is consistent with atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin disorders, as well as eczema symptoms being greatly reduced.

3. Colloidal Silver Water Gel for Acne

It is safe to use colloidal silver water gel to treat acne vulgaris and reduce inflammation associated with acne and other skin conditions.

For those suffering from acne vulgaris, silver water gel can be an effective treatment for moderate cases of acne vulgaris.

4. Revitalizing Skin Treatment

We’ve packed colloidal silver water gel with the power of structured silver atomic particles to help your skin heal naturally. Ideal for prolonged silver water surface contact after sun exposure, skin abrasions, or other times when extended cellular rejuvenation is needed. As a non-oil facial moisturizer, it is popular with women, and more and more men are adopting the silver water gel technology as well.

Uniquely Manufactured

Siler water gel is uniquely invented by Wayne Rowland and manufactured in his original factory using his Tesla lightning machine which also imbues the silver water with the B-flat chord healing frequencies that are waning from our planet. This is the original Silver Wain Water suspended in a gel base.

Originally created to treat burn patients, the gel sticks to the skin on burn wounds long enough to increase the overall healing benefits for the treatment regimen.

Silver Water Gel is a 100% natural application of colloidal silver water.

Silver water gel is a combination of plant gelatin and Silver Water.

Not only used to heal burned skin, but it works very well for

  • lubricating skin
  • softening skin
  • diminishing skin wrinkles
  • revive damaged collagen
  • face skin cream

It also works very well for

  • skin sores
  • scabies
  • skin ulcer
  • diabetic skin infection
  • rashes
  • insect bites
  • animal bite or animal scratches
  • scrapes
  • knife cuts
  • baby’s diaper rash

Personal care

  • use as a makeup base
  • underarms
  • aftershave gel
  • natural and a safe lubricant
  • great for yeast problems

Absorption of Colloidal Silver Water Gel

It absorbs in less than 2 minutes, leaving your skin soft, supple, and non-greasy.

Most commonly, colloidal silver water gel is applied twice daily to the skin in a thin layer.

External Use Only.

All-Natural Colloidal Silver Water Gel, Pure, Safe, Refreshing, Anti-bacterial.

Treats minor cuts, lacerations, abrasions, 1st and 2nd-degree burns, and minor skin irritations.

Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Wayne Rowland – Parasites… The Silent Killers Tesla Tech Video

In a rare moment, Wayne Rowland allowed himself to be captured on video while presenting at the Global Sciences Congress in Tampa Florida.  Thankfully, we learn much about Wayne in this video.


Wayne Roland shares a compelling story about his life, emphasizing its challenging and transformative nature. Born on a North Dakota Indian reserve, he was raised by a shaman and his wife after his young mother couldn’t cope. His early focus was on accessing information from “God’s banquet table” to survive.

Despite never attending school, he learned to read and write using an 1840s engineering encyclopedia, revealing ancient engineering principles that are now being recognized again.

Wayne’s desire to become an engineer faced rejection, leading him to establish a successful fur trading group. He eventually bought his own engineering firm and built government buildings. However, a tragic accident during a contract left him severely burned and suffering from lead poisoning. He became a member of the “to die with dignity” club but defied the odds with a miraculous intervention.

A fellow named Ray Schmidt sent Wayne a unique remedy for lead poisoning, prompting a remarkable recovery. Wayne faced challenges, including cancer and arthritis, emerging as a survivor with a profound understanding of life and health. The story hints at Wayne’s discoveries about overcoming life’s hurdles and offers insights into his journey of resilience.

He challenges common health practices, stating that typical vitamin programs hit a wall, especially as people age. Wayne claims to have found a way to overcome this barrier, emphasizing the importance of deworming.

He criticizes the conventional belief that parasites are only a problem in third-world countries, asserting that everyone has a parasite issue. Wayne recounts his personal experience, deworming himself and extracting eight to ten-inch parasites, leading him to deworm over a hundred thousand people with notable improvements.

See: Wayne’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol

Wayne introduces the concept of vibration and frequency, suggesting that changing one’s vibration through deworming can force parasites to leave or die within the body. He discusses the relationship between parasites and various health issues, including cancer, arthritis, and bad breath.

Wayne emphasizes the prevalence of parasites in everyday foods and how they enter the body through osmosis. He proposes a deworming program, claiming success in addressing conditions like diabetes, Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue, and Candida.

Additionally, Wayne delves into the impact of parasites on thymus function, the development of warts, and even hair loss. He introduces a deworming program that he claims has helped individuals regain their health and addresses various associated health challenges.

Wayne Roland concludes his presentation by discussing the practical applications of the unique colloidal silver wain water he produces. He suggests using the water for various health issues, such as treating children’s eye infections, pink eye, and chronic ear infections. Wayne claims that the FDA is now aware of the water’s effectiveness and is implementing measures to restrict its promotion and availability.

He expresses concern about upcoming FDA regulations, stating that after a certain date, individuals won’t be able to freely discuss or purchase silver water. Wayne sees this as a form of censorship and warns the audience about the impending restrictions on health-related discussions. He mentions that colloids are being removed from the market, leaving people unable to read about or buy effective health solutions.

Wayne then transitions to discussing age regression and introduces a human growth hormone boost that he claims can make individuals look and feel younger. He acknowledges potential side effects related to increased performance in men and emphasizes the limited availability of this product due to anticipated regulatory changes.

He touches on additional health tips, such as Lugol’s iodine for combating Candida and promoting general health. Wayne briefly mentions his workshop, where he plans to teach a step-by-step program on accessing God’s banquet table for spiritual experiences.

Wayne concludes with a discussion of Nikola Tesla’s time travel devices, asserting that he owns one of Tesla’s original devices that can transport individuals to another planet. He expresses excitement about future inventions, such as a gasoline device that doubles gas mileage, and promises to demonstrate the second-dimensional time unit at a future event. Wayne bids farewell, expressing his hope for people to achieve better health and happiness.


Top 10 Colloidal Silver Water Uses Should You Do It Yourself

The immune system, a complex network of antibodies, white blood cells, and proteins, stands as our body’s guardian against invading pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and infections. Its function is to recognize and eliminate these threats, safeguarding our overall health. Colloidal silver, a natural mineral, has emerged as a potential immune-boosting solution. However, the choice between homemade and high-quality options, like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, demands careful consideration.

The Immune System’s Battle Plan

Working in harmony, the immune system forms a formidable defense against microbes. By blocking their entry and growth, it prevents illnesses from taking root. Yet, at times, the immune system might require reinforcement to function optimally.

Silver: A Natural Immune Boost

Colloidal silver has gained attention as a potential immune system enhancer. Scientific research suggests that regular consumption of silver could effectively bolster and maintain immune health. Unlike synthetic alternatives, colloidal silver harnesses the power of a natural mineral to support our body’s defenses.

The Benefits of Colloidal Silver

  1. Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
    • Remarkably, silver exhibits the ability to combat over 650 bacteria, fungi, parasites, and molds.
    • Dr. Larry C. Ford’s work at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s showcased silver’s capacity to eradicate antibiotic-resistant super-pathogens without known side effects.
  2. Facilitating Healing
    • Dr. Robert O. Becker’s groundbreaking work revealed that silver ions applied directly to infected wounds triggered not only pathogen destruction but also accelerated tissue and bone regeneration.
    • Silver’s potential for healing extends to conditions like burns, thrush, and periodontitis.
  3. Virucidal Properties
    • Research suggests that colloidal silver may halt viruses by interfering with their oxygen utilization enzymes.
    • This suffocates and kills viruses, offering potential antiviral benefits.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Potential
    • Recent studies point to nanocrystalline silver-derived solutions as having anti-inflammatory and pro-healing properties, opening new avenues for treatment.
  5. Respiratory Health
    • Silver’s potential extends to treating sinus infections and respiratory inflammation, contributing to alleviating allergies and asthma.
  6. Cold and Flu Defense
    • Taking small daily amounts of colloidal silver may fortify the immune system, reducing the risk of colds and flu.
    • Scientific studies have demonstrated its efficacy in aiding recovery.
  7. Bronchitis and Pneumonia Support
    • Ingesting silver internally could offer support against bronchitis and pneumonia.
  8. Water Purification
    • Recent studies at UCLA have revealed that silver, in appropriate concentrations, can purify water effectively.
  9. MRSA Elimination
    • Colloidal silver has shown effectiveness against MRSA infections, a significant cause of mortality.
  10. Antibiotic Alternative
    • Unlike antibiotics that lead to resistance, silver doesn’t prompt immunity development.
    • With antibiotic-resistant infections becoming a concern, silver is being explored as a potential alternative.

Choosing Quality: Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water

While homemade colloidal silver might seem tempting, its inconsistency and potential risks merit caution. Commercial options like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water offer rigorous quality control, ensured purity, and specific health benefits. The infusion of the b-flat musical frequency adds to its unique appeal, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a reliable immune-boosting solution.

Embracing a Natural Approach

As the trend toward natural solutions for disease prevention gains traction, colloidal silver supplements present an alternative to conventional medicine. The choice between DIY versions and professionally manufactured products ultimately lies in individual preferences and priorities. However, the meticulous manufacturing processes, proven efficacy, and potential unique benefits of products like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water may offer a more secure path towards a bolstered immune system and better overall health.

Exploring Colloidal Silver Water: DIY Production and the Advantages of High-Quality Options

In recent years, colloidal silver has gained popularity as an alternative health remedy. This home-brewed concoction involves suspending microscopic silver particles in water. While some enthusiasts promote the do-it-yourself approach using a 9-volt battery, there are compelling reasons to consider high-quality commercial products like Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, manufactured with precision and is imbued with the b-flat musical frequency.

DIY Colloidal Silver Water: A Basic Primer

The concept behind colloidal silver water is quite simple: submicroscopic silver particles are dispersed in water through a process called electrolysis. Enthusiasts often attempt to create this solution at home using a 9-volt battery, silver wire, and distilled water. By attaching the silver wire to the battery’s terminals and immersing it in water, tiny silver particles gradually separate and mix into the water.

Proponents of this DIY method suggest that colloidal silver water boasts antimicrobial properties, potentially fighting various infections. However, there are significant concerns with this approach:

  1. Quality Control
    • Creating colloidal silver water at home lacks precision.
    • Controlling particle size and concentration becomes challenging, leading to an inconsistent product.
  2. Purity
    • Commercially produced colloidal silver undergoes rigorous processes to ensure purity.
    • Homemade versions might introduce impurities from the silver wire, battery, or other equipment.
  3. Safety
    1. When homemade solutions lack proper quality control, there’s a risk of excessive silver consumption, leading to a condition called argyria, where the skin turns gray-blue.
  4. Effectiveness
    • The antimicrobial efficacy of homemade colloidal silver water may be questionable due to the variability in particle size and concentration.

Advantages of Premium Colloidal Silver Water: Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water

Considering these drawbacks, opting for professionally manufactured colloidal silver water becomes a prudent choice. One such product is Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, a premium option that stands out for several reasons:

  1. Quality Assurance
    • Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure consistent particle size and concentration, maximizing its potential health benefits.
  2. Purity Guaranteed
    • Commercial products like Wain Water use pure silver in their production, minimizing the risk of introducing impurities into the solution.
  3. Safety First
    • Professional manufacturing processes help prevent excessive silver intake, ensuring users avoid the risk of argyria.
  4. Effectiveness Backed by Science
    • Commercial colloidal silver products often come with scientific research supporting their effectiveness against certain pathogens which may not be duplicatable by DIY versions.
  5. Additional Benefits
    • Wayne Rowland’s Silver Wain Water, for instance, is imbued with the b-flat musical frequency, an intriguing claim that offers unique therapeutic potential.

Making an Informed Choice

While the allure of creating colloidal silver water at home may seem appealing, the potential risks and uncertainties surrounding its quality and safety warrant careful consideration. Opting for professionally manufactured products, such as Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water, provides a level of confidence in both the product’s quality and its potential benefits.

Ultimately, the decision rests on individual preferences and priorities. For those seeking a reliable and effective colloidal silver water, commercial options backed by research and quality assurance may be the optimal choice, offering a safer and more consistent path to reaping the potential benefits of this alternative health remedy.

With the surge in interest towards natural remedies, silver supplements are gaining traction as an alternative to conventional medicine in the fight against disease and infections.

For more insights on Wayne’s “silver water,” visit Top Seller Best Sellers. Contact via email: reikiranch@gmail.com or call (360) 748-4426 to speak to Taylore Vance.


Wayne Rowland Creator of Silver Wain Water and Nikola Tesla.

Born on a Native American Reservation and raised under the tutelage of a shaman, Wayne Rowland is a “sensitive” with remarkable powers of perception and insight. For many years, he has studied the diverse world of metaphysics and has worked extensively with the ideas and equipment developed by Nikola Tesla.

Wayne is an entertaining and humorous speaker who reads the aura or energy of the group to determine the direction his talk should take.

He is also an inventor who, in his own words, “goes directly to God’s banquet table” for ideas and inspiration. From this same table, he will often draw or “channel” information during the course of his presentations.

Wayne was drawn into the field of health, science, and alternative medicine seventeen years ago when faced with his own life-threatening health challenges after being embedded in a wall by a lead explosion. Hospital doctors offered little hope of recovery. His life was saved, finally, not by the best medical team available but by a priest who presented him with blue-green algae to ingest and form into poultices.

Wayne left the hospital with his faith in the medical establishment severely shaken. Lead residue in his body subsequently resulted in the development of stomach and esophagus cancer. When he once again sought medical help, he was told: “Try chemotherapy.” Upon researching the proposed treatment, he discovered that the FDA – approved chemotherapy was in fact a form of mustard gas – used as a poison in World War I.

Enough! This was Wayne’s last visit to a doctor. He made a conscious decision to become totally responsible for his own health and began to look to the past for health care solutions that would not be controlled by the drug cartels.

In his search, Wayne first investigated the work of Royal Rife and the Rife microscope. Next came Wilhelm Reich with his devices. Finally, Wayne focused his attention on the ideas and technology of Nikola Tesla, and why this information has been suppressed. Together, with a small group of scientists, he has been building Tesla-inspired devices ever since.

Based on his findings, Wayne left his interests in Rife and Reich technologies to focus entirely on Tesla’s technologies. Utilizing Nikola Tesla’s technologies, he uses Tesla’s manmade lightning to create Silver Wain Water, which is available today under the simple brand name Silver Water.