Top 10 Books and Resource Authors for Colloidal Silver Water

Colloidal silver has long been a topic of interest in alternative medicine. Known for its purported antimicrobial properties, it has been used historically as a natural remedy for various ailments. Over the years, numerous books have been written about colloidal silver, offering various perspectives—from enthusiastic endorsements to cautious skepticism. This article delves into some of the most notable books on colloidal silver, highlighting their unique viewpoints and contributions to the ongoing conversation about this intriguing substance.

Top 10 Books on Colloidal Silver


1. Colloidal Silver The Natural Antibiotic by Werner Kühni, Walter von Holst

This book thoroughly explores the historical, scientific, and practical aspects of colloidal silver, making it a valuable resource for newcomers and seasoned users of this alternative remedy. The authors provide fascinating insights into how colloidal silver was used in ancient Greece and Rome and its resurgence in the early 20th century before the advent of modern antibiotics. They discuss the mechanisms by which silver ions disrupt microbial cell walls and interfere with their metabolic processes, destroying harmful microorganisms. Kühni and von Holst delve into the concept of bioenergetics, suggesting that colloidal silver not only works on a physical level but also has subtle energetic effects on the body. They propose that colloidal silver can help balance the body’s energy fields, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

2. Silver Water Colloidal Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing by Wayne Rowland, Herb Roi Richards

This book stands out for its unique approach to the subject, offering readers a holistic view of colloidal silver’s potential benefits and applications. After surviving an industrial accident that left Wayne Rowland with terminal lead poisoning and cancer, he embarked on a quest to heal himself. His discovery of colloidal silver, particularly a unique formulation he developed called “Silver Water,” uses Tesla-generated lightning and infuses water with musical Rife frequencies equivalent to the Earth’s perfect B-flat major chord. The book offers practical advice on using colloidal silver for various health issues, from immune support and diabetes to wound healing and cancer. Beyond colloidal silver, Rowland explores other transformative health practices. This includes a controversial parasite cleanse and deworming program, gut-rebuilding strategies, and methods for eliminating disease symptoms. These additional topics provide a comprehensive guide to holistic healing and rejuvenation.

3. Everything You Need To Know About Colloidal Silver by Max Crarer, David Coory

The authors thoroughly introduce colloidal silver, covering its history, scientific basis, and practical applications. Crarer and Coory clearly and concisely explain how colloidal silver works. They describe the mechanisms by which silver ions disrupt the cellular processes of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, leading to their destruction. The authors provide detailed instructions on how to use colloidal silver safely and effectively. This includes information on dosages, methods of administration, and potential side effects. One of the unique aspects of this book is its exploration of the use of colloidal silver in veterinary medicine. Crarer and Coory discuss how colloidal silver can treat infections and other health issues in pets and livestock. Whether new to colloidal silver or looking to deepen your understanding, this book provides a comprehensive and accessible overview.

4. The Wonders of Colloidal Silver Nature’s Super Antibiotic by Dhyana L. Coburn, Patrick D. Dignan

The book is designed to be accessible to beginners and experienced users, offering a wealth of information on the history, characteristics, and applications of colloidal silver. One of the strengths of this book is its practical focus. The authors provide detailed instructions on how to use colloidal silver safely and effectively. The book includes numerous testimonials and case studies from individuals who have used colloidal silver to treat various health conditions. These real-world examples add a personal touch and provide evidence of colloidal silver’s potential benefits. DIY Colloidal Silver Generator: This book stands out for its detailed instructions on how to make your own colloidal silver generator. The authors propose that colloidal silver can help balance the body’s energy fields, promoting overall wellness and vitality. This perspective is not commonly found in other books and adds a holistic dimension to the discussion.

5. Colloidal Silver Today The All Natural, Wide-Spectrum Germ Killer by Warren Jefferson

Jefferson’s clear writing style and comprehensive coverage ensure that readers gain a solid understanding of colloidal silver and its potential uses. The book begins with a brief history of colloidal silver, tracing its use from ancient times to the early 20th century. This historical perspective helps readers appreciate the long-standing interest in silver as a natural remedy. One of the unique aspects of this book is its exploration of the use of colloidal silver in agriculture. Jefferson discusses how colloidal silver can treat plant diseases and promote healthy growth. This application is not commonly covered in other books on colloidal silver, making it a valuable addition for readers interested in holistic and sustainable farming practices. Colloidal Silver Today, the All Natural Wide-Spectrum Germ Killer, empowers readers to make informed decisions about incorporating colloidal silver into their health and wellness routines.

6. A New Silver Solution: A Quantum Leap in Silver Technology by Gordon Pedersen

Dr. Gordon Pedersen’s extensive background in anti-aging and regenerative medicine and his expertise in toxicology and naturopathy lend significant credibility to his work. Pedersen delves deeply into the science behind colloidal silver, explaining how silver ions interact with pathogens at a molecular level. He describes the mechanisms by which silver disrupts bacterial cell walls, inhibits viral replication, and neutralizes fungi. This thorough scientific explanation helps readers understand why colloidal silver is effective against a wide range of microorganisms. One of the standout features of this book is Pedersen’s discussion of structured silver. Unlike traditional colloidal silver, structured silver is engineered to have a specific molecular structure that enhances its antimicrobial properties. Pedersen explains how this new form of silver is more effective and safer for human use, making it a significant advancement in silver technology. Pedersen includes a listing of protocols for using silver for different ailments, from common infections to chronic diseases.

7. Silver Magic: How Colloidal Silver Can Transform Your Life by C.K. Murray

“Silver Magic: How Colloidal Silver Can Transform Your Life” by C.K. Murray is a compelling and accessible guide exploring colloidal silver’s potential benefits. This book stands out for its practical advice, clear explanations, and the inclusion of unique insights that are not commonly found in other literature on the topic. C.K. Murray, an advocate for natural health remedies, thoroughly introduces colloidal silver. Murray’s engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage ensure that readers gain a solid understanding of colloidal silver and its potential uses. One of the unique aspects of this book is Murray’s exploration of the use of colloidal silver in enhancing mental clarity and cognitive function. Murray discusses how colloidal silver can improve brain health by reducing inflammation and supporting neural function. Silver Magic: How Colloidal Silver Can Transform Your Life offers a blend of historical context, scientific explanation, practical advice, and unique insights that make it a valuable resource for anyone interested in this natural remedy.

8. Colloidal Silver Medical Uses, Toxicology & Manufacture by John Hill

John Hill, an expert in alternative medicine, provides an exhaustive review of the medical and toxicological aspects of colloidal silver. Hill covers many applications, from treating infections and boosting the immune system to addressing chronic conditions. Scientific studies and clinical evidence support each application. Hill addresses common concerns about silver toxicity and argyria, providing evidence-based guidelines on safe usage. Hill offers a comprehensive guide for the manufacture of colloidal silver, including the low-voltage cathodic method. One of the unique aspects of this book is Hill’s exploration of the use of colloidal silver in environmental applications. He discusses how colloidal silver can be used to purify water and treat wastewater, highlighting its potential as a sustainable solution for ecological health. The book’s blend of scientific rigor, practical advice, and unique insights makes it a valuable resource for anyone interested in this safe, natural biocide.

9. Colloidal Silver A Natural Healer by Ronald Osborne

This book is particularly notable for its straightforward approach and the inclusion of unique applications that are not commonly found in other literature on the topic. The book includes a section on the use of colloidal silver for pets and livestock. Osborne discusses how colloidal silver can treat infections and other animal health issues, providing practical advice for pet owners and farmers. One of the unique aspects of this book is Osborne’s exploration of the use of colloidal silver in gardening. He discusses how colloidal silver can treat plant diseases and promote healthy growth. This application is not commonly covered in other books on colloidal silver, making it a valuable addition for readers interested in holistic and sustainable gardening practices. Colloidal Silver: A Natural Healer is a well-rounded and informative guide offering a practical approach to colloidal silver. Its blend of historical context, scientific explanation, practical advice, and unique insights makes it a valuable resource for anyone interested in this natural remedy. Including information on the use of colloidal silver in gardening sets this book apart from other literature on the topic.

10. The Bible on NanoBioSilver Ionic and Colloidal Silver in Natural Health and Wellness by R. Barry King PhD

Dr. R. Barry King, a seasoned expert with a diverse academic background in microbiology, environmental biology, marine ecology, and archaeology, provides an exhaustive review of colloidal silver’s medical and toxicological aspects. King also offers a comprehensive guide for the manufacture of colloidal silver, including the low-voltage cathodic method. This section is handy for readers interested in producing their own colloidal silver at home, ensuring both purity and effectiveness. The Bible on NanoBioSilver: Ionic and Colloidal Silver in Natural Health and Wellness is a well-rounded and informative guide that offers a balanced perspective on colloidal silver. Whether you are new to colloidal silver or looking to deepen your understanding, this book provides a comprehensive and accessible overview. It empowers readers to make informed decisions about incorporating colloidal silver into their health and wellness routines.

Colloidal Silver Science Continues…

The literature on colloidal silver is as diverse as the perspectives it encompasses. From enthusiastic proponents to cautious skeptics, authors have explored its potential benefits and risks in great detail. Whether you’re a seasoned user or new to the concept, these books offer valuable insights and practical advice on incorporating colloidal silver into your health regimen. As with any alternative treatment, it’s essential to approach colloidal silver with an informed and balanced perspective, considering both the scientific evidence and anecdotal experiences.

Historical and Modern Evolution and Efficacy of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver, known for its powerful antimicrobial properties, has seen various production methods over the years, each contributing to its legacy as a natural remedy. As we explore the evolution of colloidal silver, we uncover its production’s intricacies and past and present applications.

From Grind to Electro-Colloidal Processes

In the early 1900s, colloidal silver was produced using two primary methods: grinding and electro-colloidal. Each technique had its unique characteristics and limitations.

The process involved grinding silver into fine particles, which were then suspended in a solution. However, this method had a significant drawback: the particles produced were often too large, causing them to settle at the bottom of the solution over time. This sedimentation reduced the effectiveness of the colloid, as the silver particles, essential for its antimicrobial action, were no longer evenly distributed. Some manufacturers have introduced stabilizers, commonly proteins, to mitigate this issue and slow settling. While effective in delaying sedimentation, these stabilizers disrupted the electrical charge on the silver particles, ultimately diminishing their antimicrobial efficacy.

The chemical method emerged in response to the grinding process’s limitations. This method involved the reduction of a silver salt solution to produce colloidal silver. While it offered a more efficient production process, it introduced new challenges. Using powerful acid solutions in the chemical method made removing all chemical residues from the final product difficult, leading to potential side effects for consumers. Moreover, the resulting colloidal silver solution often had an acidic pH, typically between 4.5 and 5.5, which contrasted with the more neutral pH of 6.5 found in a ‘true’ colloid of silver.

The electro-colloidal process represented a significant advancement in the production of colloidal silver. This method involved striking an electric arc between silver poles submerged in water, creating extremely fine silver particles suspended in the solution. The electric charge on each particle allowed them to remain in suspension without stabilizers or chemicals, thus preserving their full antimicrobial potential. When executed correctly, the electro-colloidal process produced a ‘true’ colloid of silver, free from the drawbacks of earlier methods.

The Importance of Particle Size and Solution Color

A critical factor in the quality and effectiveness of colloidal silver is the size and uniformity of the silver particles. Particles that are too large can lodge in the fine lining of the digestive tract, potentially causing harm and leading to scar tissue formation. Conversely, smaller, uniformly sized particles are more effective in their antimicrobial action and are less likely to cause adverse effects.

The color of colloidal silver is another key indicator of its quality. As the size of the silver particles increases, the solution’s color changes from yellow to brown, red, gray, and eventually black. Ideally, a colloidal silver solution produced through the electro-colloidal process should be colorless, indicating the presence of appropriately sized particles and the absence of impurities or artificial colorings.

Colloidal Silver in Modern Medicine and Natural Health

In recent years, colloidal silver has regained popularity as a natural remedy, praised for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. Dr. Gary Smith, a medical researcher, suggests that silver plays a crucial role in supporting the body’s natural defense system. Individuals with inadequate silver intake may be more susceptible to illness, highlighting the importance of this trace element in maintaining overall health.

Laboratory tests have shown that properly prepared colloidal silver, with a concentration of 3 to 5 parts per million (ppm), is highly effective against various infections and microbes, including viruses and fungi while having minimal impact on beneficial bacteria. However, higher concentrations, particularly those above five ppm, can disrupt the delicate balance of the digestive tract, underscoring the importance of using colloidal silver in moderation.

Colloidal silver’s versatility extends beyond oral consumption. It can be applied topically to cuts, scrapes, and skin irritations, gargled, used as a rinse for acne and eczema, or even inhaled for respiratory issues. Its tasteless, odorless, and non-stinging properties make it a gentle yet powerful remedy for a wide range of conditions.

The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that have been successfully treated with colloidal silver:

    • Acne
    • Anthrax
    • Appendicitis
    • Arthritis
    • Athlete’s foot
    • Bacterial infections
    • Bladder infections
    • Blood poisoning
    • Boils
    • Burns
    • Candida albicans
    • Catarrh
    • Chronic fatigue Syndrome
    • Colitis
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Cryptosporidium infection
    • Cystitis
    • Dermatitis
    • Diabetes
    • Diarrhea
    • Diphtheria
    • Dysentery
    • Ear infection
    • Eczema
    • Epstein Barr virus
    • Eustachian tube infection
    • Fibrositis
    • Gastritis
    • Gonorrhea
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Herpes virus
    • Impetigo
    • Influenza
    • Intestinal disorders
    • Keratitis
    • Legionnaire’s disease
    • Leprosy Lesions
    • Lupus
    • Malaria
    • Meniere’s disease
    • Meningitis
    • Neurasthenia
    • Opthalmia
    • Paratyphoid fever
    • Pleurisy
    • Pneumonia
    • Polio virus
    • Prostate disorders
    • Pruritis
    • Psoriasis
    • Pyorrhea
    • Rheumatism
    • Rhinitis
    • Ringworm
    • Rosacea
    • Salmonella infection
    • Scarlet fever
    • Seborrhea
    • Septicemia
    • Septic ulcers
    • Shingles
    • Skin cancer
    • Sores
    • Staphylococcus infection
    • Streptococci infection
    • Sunburn
    • Syphilis
    • Tetanus
    • Tonsillitis
    • Trench foot
    • Tuberculosis T
    • Typhoid
    • Ulcers
    • Warts
    • Whooping cough
    • Yeast infections

The FDA and Colloidal Silver

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized certain forms of colloidal silver as pre-1938 drugs, allowing them to be marketed without the extensive safety and efficacy evidence required for post-1938 drugs. However, not all colloidal silver products meet the ‘true’ colloids criteria, as particle size and effectiveness can vary significantly between products.

Who’s Embracing Colloidal Silver Today?

Colloidal silver continues to be a staple in various fields of medicine and natural health. In the United States, silver is used in bone surgery and is a key component in burn treatment centers, where its antimicrobial properties help prevent infections. Naturopaths and chiropractors often incorporate colloidal silver into treatments for conditions such as Cryptosporidium infections, Candida, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Colloidal silver is also widely used in water purification systems. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Swiss government have approved silver-based water filters for homes and offices. NASA and major airlines like Air France and British Airways utilize silver water purification systems to ensure safe drinking water.

The Next Generation of Colloidal Silver

Inventor Wayne Rowland created a new manufacturing process for the next generation of colloidal silver, using Tesla lightning as its power source and infusing Rife healing frequencies. This process results in a finer resolution of silver, yielding higher healing results.

To date, no other manufacturer is using this technology. Rowland’s colloidal silver is branded simply as Silver Water and is safe to use as alternative drinking water.

The Timeless Efficacy of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has withstood the test of time, evolving through various production methods while maintaining its reputation as a potent antimicrobial agent. As modern research continues to explore its potential, colloidal silver remains a valuable tool in both conventional and alternative medicine, offering a natural and effective solution for a wide range of health concerns. Whether used for its historical applications or embraced in contemporary treatments, colloidal silver continues to shine as a beacon of natural healing.



Disclosure: Secret Medicinal Power of Colloidal Silver Water

Silver, a precious metal known for its lustrous beauty, has a legacy far beyond its ornamental appeal. Silver has been celebrated throughout history for its remarkable properties, particularly its ability to preserve and protect. Silver has been a silent guardian of health from ancient civilizations to modern times, safeguarding against the unseen forces of decay and disease.

Silver’s Noble Legacy

The ancient Greeks and Romans were among the first to recognize silver’s unique qualities. They used silver containers to store liquids, keeping them fresh and safe from spoilage. This practice was not merely a luxury but a necessity, as it helped prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. Over the centuries, this tradition was carried forward by royal households, where silver symbolized wealth and health. Aristocrats dined with silver utensils, drank from silver cups, and even had their food served on silver plates. This led to the term “blue bloods,” as the skin of these privileged individuals often took on a bluish hue due to the minute traces of silver they ingested.

In America’s pioneering days, silver continued to play a vital role. Settlers moving westward would drop silver dollars into their milk containers to delay spoilage, a testament to silver’s time-tested antibacterial properties.

Medical Use of Colloidal Silver Water

By the early 20th century, silver had earned its place as a proven germ-fighter in medicine. Colloidal silver, a solution of tiny silver particles suspended in water, became a staple in bacterial treatment. Though considered high-tech at the time, these early solutions were not as advanced as those available today. The silver particles were not as finely dispersed, limiting their absorption and effectiveness.

Despite these limitations, colloidal silver was highly regarded for its ability to combat many pathogens. Dr. Henry Crooks, a pioneer in colloidal chemistry, wrote in 1910 that colloidal silver could kill various bacteria, including the dreaded Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, within minutes. His findings highlighted the germicidal power of silver without any harmful effects on humans.

Alfred Searle, the founder of the pharmaceutical company Searle, further documented the astonishing success of colloidal silver in his 1919 book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease. Searle noted that colloidal silver was effective against parasites when administered orally or hypodermically, and it was remarkably stable and non-toxic.

The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Colloidal Silver

As the pharmaceutical industry evolved, the production of colloidal silver became prohibitively expensive, and the industry began to favor cheaper, patentable drugs. Improper manufacturing and misusing colloidal silver led to cases of argyria, where the skin turns a bluish-gray due to excessive silver accumulation. As a result, colloidal silver fell out of favor despite its proven efficacy.

However, the story of colloidal silver did not end there. In the 1970s, its value was rediscovered by doctors at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, while searching for effective treatments for burn victims. This resurgence was supported by biomedical research, which revealed that no known disease-causing organism—whether bacterial, viral, or fungal—could survive in the presence of even minute traces of metallic silver.

In 1978, Science Digest published an article titled “Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,” in which Jim Powell extolled the virtues of silver, noting that it could kill over 650 different disease organisms. Silver showed no such weakness unlike antibiotics, to which bacteria can develop resistance. Moreover, it was virtually non-toxic, making it a powerful tool in the fight against infections.

The Science Behind the Silver

“Colloid” refers to a substance composed of ultra-fine particles suspended in a liquid. In the case of colloidal silver, these particles are silver atoms or molecules so tiny that the naked eye cannot see them. Adequately manufactured colloidal silver consists of a minuscule number of submicroscopic silver particles (3 to 5 parts per million) suspended in pure water, each charged to remain in suspension.

The ideal particle size for colloidal silver is 0.005 to 0.015 microns in diameter. This phenomenon, known as Brownian movement, keeps the particles in motion, ensuring they remain suspended in the solution almost indefinitely.

The Silver Colloidal Future

The resurgence of interest in colloidal silver continues as more research highlights its potential benefits. Dr. Larry C. Ford of UCLA’s School of Medicine found silver solutions effective against various bacteria and fungi, including those responsible for some of the most stubborn infections.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, a biomedical researcher from Syracuse University, made groundbreaking discoveries about silver’s role in stimulating bone growth and accelerating the healing of injured tissues. His research showed that silver killed disease-causing organisms and promoted the regeneration of healthy cells, offering hope for previously considered untreatable conditions.

Colloidal silver, with its rich history and proven effectiveness, substantiates medicinal credibility and natural remedies’ enduring power. While modern medicine has brought us many advances, the simple, age-old use of silver as a germ-fighter and healer remains relevant today. As research continues, colloidal silver may well reclaim its place as a cornerstone of natural health, offering a silver lining in the pursuit of wellness.