Silver Water Colloidal: An Ancient Medicine with Modern Tech

When searching for ways to increase health, wellness, quality of life, freedom from disease, and longevity, it’s fascinating to observe how many ancient remedies have been overshadowed by modern medical advancements. One such remedy is Silver Water colloidal, a powerful agent known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. For centuries, silver has been utilized to combat various infections, but its prominence declined with the advent of antibiotics after World War II.

A Brief History of Silver as Medicine

Before the widespread use of antibiotics, silver was a common staple in households. It was the go-to solution for various infections and diseases. Silver’s mechanism of action is straightforward yet effective: it chokes out and suffocates single-cell organisms and viruses, depriving them of oxygen and killing them. This unique method prevents pathogens from developing resistance, a significant issue with antibiotics today.

The Transition to Antibiotics

After World War II, antibiotics emerged as the primary treatment for infections. Initially, antibiotics were seen as a more effective solution compared to silver. However, over time, the overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of resistant strains of pathogens. Unlike antibiotics, pathogens do not develop resistance to silver, making it a valuable alternative.

Benefits of Colloidal Silver

Silver Water colloidal, in particular, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the notable advantages:

  • Antimicrobial Action: Silver effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi, preventing diseases before they take hold.
  • Immune System Support: By eliminating harmful pathogens, silver allows the immune system to focus on other crucial functions, enhancing overall health.
  • Accelerated Healing: When applied topically, silver promotes faster healing with reduced scar tissue, even in cases of severe burns.
  • Youthful Vitality: Users feel more energetic and youthful as their bodies are freed from constant battles against infections.

Perhaps the best part of using colloidal silver is its minimal side effects compared to antibiotics, which can disrupt the gut microbiome—an essential immune system component. However, taking probiotics alongside silver is advisable to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

High Tech Silver Water

As an option to over-the-counter varieties of colloidal silver, which have efficacy in their own right, there is another type of colloidal silver that has taken the ultimate path of high-tech and frequency infusion to an entirely new level, invented by Wayne Rowland. This unique manufacturing process includes;

  • Tesla Lightning: High-powered manmade Tesla lightning is used as the power source.
  • Purest Silver: Only 99.99999% pure silver is used, which is more expensive than platinum.
  • Rife Frequencies: Healing frequencies equivalent to the three musical notes of the B-flat major chord are infused in Silver Water
  • Smallest Silver Particles: The silver particles are so small due to the increased voltage and offer greater power and coverage.
  • Highest Yield: Each ounce of Silver Water colloidal contains 9 Billion electrically charged, anti-microbial particles.

Practical Uses of Silver Water Colloidal

Silver Water colloidal can be utilized in various ways to harness its health benefits:

  • Drink It Straight: Silver Water colloidal is as safe as drinking water.
  • Oral Spray: Spray into your mouth and swish it around for about 30 seconds.
  • Throat Spray: Directly spray into the back of your throat to combat infections.
  • Sinus Rinse: Add it to a sinus rinse to clear nasal passages.
  • Inhalation: Inhale the mist for respiratory benefits.
  • Topical Application: Apply directly to the skin for infections or wounds.

When searching for ways to increase health, wellness, quality of life, freedom from disease, and longevity, revisiting ancient remedies like colloidal silver can provide effective and natural solutions. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself during cold and flu season, combat persistent infections, or boost your overall health, Silver Water colloidal offers a versatile and potent option. Always consult a natural alternative specialist before incorporating new treatments into your regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

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