All posts by Taylore Vance

Colloidal Silver and Ionic Silver

Let’s take a look at colloidal silver and ionic silver. What is colloidal silver and what is ionic silver, and how do they work individually and together?

There are many types of silver products besides Silver Wain Water. The are many types of silver. In antiquity, silver pitchers, other silver food vessels, and silverware were used mostly by the upper class because of the cost to promote health and keep them from getting sick. Silver is an excellent natural antibacterial agent. There is fine silver at .999 grade, and sterling silver at .925, pre-1965 US silver dollars are 90% silver & 10% copper (0.77-0.78 troy ounces), and these silver dollars were used to place in milk to keep it from spoiling before the proliferation of refrigeration. In terms of silver water, very small particles will be in play.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is silver particles to which silver ions attach themselves and do their work from the colloidal particle. Colloids are small nano-sized particles, sometimes referred to as angstrom-sized particles, of metallic silver. These tiny particles do not mix with others, are complete, and do not combine with other compounds.

Silver colloids survive as they travel about throughout the human body enabling them to do their work. Nano-sized silver particles flow freely in the bloodstream and are not affected by hydrochloric acid found in the stomach. This freedom of movement helps colloidal silver to annihilate pathogens that may be found nearly anywhere inside the body.

Colloidal silver stays within the body for an extended period of time, which allows it to accomplish more over time. Nano-sized silver particles do not gather and build up inside the human body and are therefore considered not toxic.

There is a real benefit in knowing what kind of silver you are exposing your body to and how much silver exists in the product you are using. The metallic particles are necessary to provide the greatest benefit over time due to their particulate surface area.

Ionic Silver

Unlike metallic silver particles, colloidal silver, angstrom silver, and ionic silver is not the same as colloidal silver, and it is obvious by their nomenclature. Simply stated, silver ions are ions, not particles. Just the ions of silver. And as you might expect, they do act differently than particles.

A silver ion is a silver atom with one less electron. So, a silver atom without one of its outer electrons is no longer a complete atom, but an ion, a silver ion. In its ionic form, the silver ion will combine with other elements to produce compounds.

Within the human body, silver ions are likely to combine with chloride to form silver chloride. While silver ions are water soluble, silver chloride is not soluble, ergo this compound does not dissolve. Silver colloids do not combine with chloride and therefore do not make silver chloride.

Rather than lingering inside the body, like silver colloids, silver chloride is processed by the kidneys and leaves via the urinary tract, with no trace left behind. Therefore, concurrent infusion or ingestion of silver ions is necessary because they do not stay in the bloodstream very long.

Ionic silver is so small that there is little or no chance of contracting argyria which is the silver-related condition that can turn skin pigment blue or gray. Though high concentrations of ionic silver, say over 100 parts per million, could cause argyria.

It is that reactivity is due to the missing electron that enables silver ions to suffocate and eliminate some 650 pathogens.

Ionic silver is created by the process of electrolysis.

Left to themselves, silver ions are powerful pathogen killers.

Silver Wain Water is created by a high-energy electric source equivalent to manmade lightning based on Tesla technology that creates both electrically charged ions and silver particles.




Dr, John Gray says that you can safely use silver water to treat many diseases and recommends trying it before reaching out to your local doctor for a prescription antibiotic for treatment of any disease or symptom.

Gray says silver water has no side effects, so it can be safely used independently – or experimented with – without any risk to one’s health.

Some of Dr. John Gray’s recommendations include using silver water for fighting a flu fever, dealing with any dental issued (by rinsing mouth with silver water morning and night), and following a regular regimen of taking a teaspoon of colloidal silver first thing in the morning (at least 10 minutes before taking other supplements), in the afternoon and on an empty stomach at bed time.

Dr. Gray assures that not only does silver water have no harmful side effects, but it strengthens the immune system by killing bad bacteria while preserving good bacteria (probiotics).

Dr Oz

Doctor Mehmet Oz is a huge fan of colloidal silver water, as is his father-in-law, the world-renowned cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Gerald Lemole, M.D. who was regularly ridiculed by other mainstream doctors by encouraging his patients to try homeopathic remedies, like silver water, as alternatives to prescription medications.

Dr. Oz asserts that silver water doesn’t mask or treat symptoms, like prescription medications, but actually treats the root cause of most disease, the infection. He uses colloidal silver as a daily throat spray for his entire family, to help keep germs away.

Dr. Lemole reports that colloidal silver, “Colloidal silver is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, and it’s really good stuff for if you feel an oncoming sore throat, or even if you have a wound. You can spray it on your wound.”

Even though the traditional medical community might try to dismiss the healing properties of colloidal silver water, the fact remains that many people over our planet are seeing extraordinary results using colloidal silver water.

Surprisingly, people are reporting not only relief from the symptoms, but many who were once diagnosed with particular diseases, now report that they are testing negative during their regularly scheduled doctor’s follow up reports.

Regardless of the endorsements by celebrities and a few well-recognized doctors, like John Gray and Dr. Oz, the mainstream medical community and the media are of the persuasion that the results are either fantasy or can be attributed to the placebo effect.

Some of the most notable maladies are being cleared from human bodies using colloidal silver water include:


Many stories of overcoming Lupus using colloidal silver water permeate the home remedy sector. Case in point; one young woman was diagnosed with Lupus, after eight years of suffering with symptoms that included fatigue, chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, headaches, joint pain, confusion and memory loss. Within days, she started feeling better but because she had found contradictory information on the Internet she questioned whether her relief was based on her desire to find a solution (placebo effect). After taking one teaspoon three-times-a-day for 90 days, recognized that all the symptoms that had become long-term challenges due to the Lupus disease were gone. Doctor’s could not explain the results and warned her to be alert for the symptoms to return and he was warned that colloidal silver could have long-term negative results. She keeps taking the colloidal silver regularly and the symptoms of Lupus have not returned.


Of all the venereal diseases, there is one that reared its ugly head in the eighties that got the attention of the sexually liberated folks from the sixties: Herpes. Maybe the symptoms are not as bad as some of the other sexually transmitted diseases, but the catchphrase that spread alike wildfire (almost as quickly as Herpes itself) was, “the gift that keeps on giving.” Again, thousands of people claim that instead of the Herpes sores rearing their ugly heads every so often, they are gone; never to be seen again, just by taking a little colloidal silver water every day.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is one of those diseases that is extremely difficult to treat, just tracking down and mitigating the various symptoms of Lupus including arthritis, nausea, fatigue, fever, swollen lymph nodes, heart palpitations, rash, joint pain, chills, nerve pain and sweats. A growing number of patients looking for alternative therapies for their growing number of symptoms, regularly increasing in intensity, are looking to colloidal silver water. While America is against doing homeopathic research for use of products, like colloidal silver water, other countries know all about the health benefits of colloidal silver and its effectiveness in combating Lyme disease.


Shingles tends to attack folks who are aging and/or have had chicken pox in the past. When it shows up, you’re going to be dealing with symptoms, like rash, blisters, itching, sharp pain and burning pain. It is not only painful, but also embarrassing because it can be painfully obvious for others due to being visible to onlookers. The colloidal silver remedy that can save the shingles afflicted patients starts with a teaspoon swished around the inside of your mouth for one minute, then swallowed hourly until the symptoms subside. Then you can reduce to the three-times-a-day regimen.


The age-range of most peoples who suffer from psoriasis is 15 to 35 but it could affect anyone at any time. Psoriasis is a skin condition that is not contagious and is passed on through heredity that has the afflicted battling itchy skin, lesions, red dots on skin, scaly skin, severe dandruff, skin patches, red scalp, skin scales, etc… Initially, you can soak the affected area with a mixture of colloidal silver water and distilled water once a day and seven drops of silver water per day taken underneath the tongue. Once you start to see and feel results, you can forego the soaking.

You can also use colloidal silver water to safely treat HemorrhoidsRingwormMeningitis and MRSA aka “the flesh-eating disease” as well as many other things that ail you.

Author, Herb “Roi” Richards, says, “Try it. It just might work!” What do you have to lose? You don’t have to believe your doctor, the media, or anyone else. If it won’t hurt you, why not try it and see if it helps? Your personal experience might just open your eyes to the many medicinal properties that God provided on our planet for us to use to promote health and wellness.



Some folks were not surprised when the media (Wall Street Journal) announced that Ebola victims would be receiving colloidal silver water treatments to mitigate the effects of the rampant Ebola outbreak in Nigeria.


Since the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has announced that there is no known Ebola vaccine, treatment or cure for the Ebola virus the World Health Organization authorized the use of alternative and/or experimental methods to intervene in the treatment of the Ebola disease.

Immediately thereafter, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised against the use of any unauthorized natural solutions for the treatment of Ebola and in one case warned against colloidal silver water snake-oil sales organizations even though US Government disclosed research indicating that colloidal silver water is bioactive and in sufficient concentration readily kills bacteria in vitro and would likely be an effective treatment of viruses like Ebola.

Conspiracy theorists expected to find that shipments of colloidal silver water would be intercepted by the World Health Organization. Yes, the same organization that welcomed the colloidal silver water was now preventing it from entering Africa, causing many victims to suffer needlessly; leaving some to expect influence by the FDA as the cause.

Colloidal silver water was used by ancient civilizations and doctors to treat a wide variety of maladies up until the 1940s when the FDA endorsed antibiotics that were considered more effective and, “safer,” than colloidal silver water.

Silver occurs naturally in our environment. Silver oxide is prevalent in the air that we breathe, infuses our ecosphere through storms and ionic radiation as well as being the most conductive known metal.

While the health benefits of colloidal silver water were generally ignored by the mainstream and the medical community at large for years, it began to make a comeback as a natural alternative to drug therapies in the 1990’s and has continued to grow in popularity as home remedies, homeopathic therapies and as a dietary supplement around the globe.

How to Make Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver water is usually made in one of three ways.

1. Silver wires put in water that salt has been added to, and charged with a low electric current. This produces “Silver Chloride”, or a type of silver mineral salt. Drawbacks: questionable quality and purity of both silver wires and water, as well as production of large silver “flakes”. These flakes can then be deposited, accumulated, and stored in the body – rather than moving about freely, (i.e. “Blue Man”, as seen on Oprah).

2. Silver added to gelatin, or other proteins. Drawbacks: This is actually “Silver Protein”, and not true colloidal silver in water. This type is used mainly for research, and generally not (or readily) available to the public.

3. Pure water in a silver vessel and struck by lightning. Ancients used pure water – not tap, bottled, etc., – in a silver vessel/bowl, set out in a storm and let lightning strike it. The result was/is “Ionic Colloidal Silver Water”, as in ionic silver mineral particles in the water. (9 Billion electrically-charged anti-microbial particles per oz.) Advantages: 1000’s, Drawbacks: none known – zero drawbacks!



It appears the hospital where Nurse Nina worked was unprepared to handle the Ebola virus.

The Dallas Nurse, Nina Pham, one of the two nurses who contracted Ebola in Texas at Texas Health Presbyterian, has been transported to the National Institutes of Health isolation unit in Bethesda, Maryland. It appears the hospital where she worked was unprepared to handle the Ebola virus.

They did not supply their health care professional with the correct hazmat suits and face masks. It was said that her neck and chin was exposed to the contaminated air, as well as her mouth and nose.


The Dallas hospital is looking into being even more prepared as the Ebola virus outbreak probability increases. In National Institutes of Health isolation unit a top doctor will personally supervise and develop a plan for  the Dallas Nurse’s care.

How to avoid Ebola?

This news from Dallas sounds like “the Ebola virus is airborne!” If everything in Dallas was covered up on the nurses – with gowns, gloves, hoods, legs, feet coverings and a plastic face mask?  But it was not all covered up! Their protective suits were open at the neck letting air into the chin, nose, mouth and eyes! Doesn’t this sound like the contaminated air got into their faces! The CDC has said that it is not airborne!!! Well, CDC, how about these two Dallas nurses?

Also an investigation had found that some workers at the Dallas hospital, Texas Health Presbyterian, had layered some of their protective gear and taped their gloves to their hands, both of which can increase the risk of contracting the virus. How can they take off the layers without touching the contaminated gloves?

West Africa suffered a setback Wednesday when Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, one of the top doctors treating the virus patients, caught  Ebola, even though he was wearing protective gear. What is this telling us? The fight against Ebola is taking a turn toward it being airborne.

The other Dallas Ebola Nurse, Amber Vinson, ‘Should Not Have Traveled,’ CDC Head Says. She had also contracted Ebola in Dallas and was flown on Wednesday to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. It was reported by the CDC that  Emory and NIH units are two of the four facilities in the United States that are specially equipped to handle high contagious diseases such as Ebola.

How can we protect ourselves from Ebola?

What simple natural solution kills all bacteria and viruses it contacts and even the Ebola Virus?

Colloidal Silver Water is easy to buy on Amazon and many other websites via the Internet.  The colloidal silver water is 100% harmless to humans, pets and farm animals. A good maintenance dose is 1 oz a day and it has been proven to be an excellent nutritional mineral booster for general health insurance.

Silver Water – 6 Qts. found in Amazon Health & Personal Care. Colloidal Silver Water – made like the ancient made the silver water by taking a silver flask to the top of a mountain and waiting for the lightening to strike. This CGAM colloidal silver water is the finest silver water available because the nano particles are the smallest. They are so small that they stick to the Ebola bacteria and kill them.


Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic. Infectious microorganisms cannot live within the same vicinity as even minute traces of silver.

Colloidal silver water is an excellent natural alternative to prescription antibiotics that tend to create negative side effects due to killing off all interior bugs – including the ones that are beneficial for us – and help us fight off disease.

It might be advantageous for every household to have some colloidal silver in the medicine cabinet in an effort to be prepared in case of an emergency where antibiotics may be necessary but not readily available.

Interestingly, non-toxic colloidal silver appears to be an excellent way to thwart contaminants and fight disease while defending the body from harmful parasites, microbes and viruses, including Ebola.

Not all colloidal silver water is created equal. It appears that the best results come from a method of creation called electro-colloidal. This is a modern-day system that recreates the ancient system that utilized the natural electrical current from lightning strikes.

Curious enough, colloidal silver water does not need to be shaken, stirred or refrigerated. Compared to other antibiotics, colloidal silver water outperforms by killing some 650 microbes, while pharmaceutical antibiotics only target somewhere in the neighborhood of six microbes.

Colloidal silver water was used to combat disease in the early 1900’s and was the basis of antibiotic treatment therapies. In 1914 colloidal silver water was determined to be an effective counter-measure to most any germ known, yet was totally safe for human consumption. In 1988 tests concluded that colloidal silver water was effective in neutralizing Streptococcus, Staphylococcus Aures, Neisseria Gonorrhea, Vaginalis, Salmonella Typhi and a host of other pathogens.

Silver Water Colloidal

22 years of research in the making, Wayne Rowland developed a method to create a new hybrid form of colloidal silver water resulting in smaller suspended silver particles by using lightning from Tesla-inspired equipment used in his state-of-the-art Silver Water factory. Hundreds of thousands of happy Silver Water users verify that his investment of millions of dollars in the facility was well worth it.

Possessing the smallest most powerful silver particles, Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water is also known as Magic Water or Wain Water and accomplishes more with only 3PPM silver due to such smart particles. These ionic / nanoparticles are so small that they are considered monatomic (monoparticle).

This makes comparison to other types of silver water like traditional colloidal or ionic silver water difficult at best, even though they all are silver water solutions, only Rowland’s Silver Water colloidal is made using the Tesla lightning.

Armed with a shamanic background, Rowland is also a medical intuitive who has developed many healing regimens based on the efficacy of his Silver Water and his extensive research of Royal Raymond Rife and Nikola Tesla’s technologies. Wayne also has one of the most extensive (if not the most extensive) collection of working Telsa equipment in his personal collection.

It is to be noted that when drinking the Tesla-lightning silver water colloidal that you should also continue to consume regular drinking water as well when promoting the healing process. This assists in the flushing of waste materials as it continues to cushion joints, protects sensitive tissues that require hydration, and helps to protect the spinal cord according to the CDC.

The advantages of using silver water colloidals for health benefits are well reported by a wide variety of medical studies but are overshadowed tremendously by the enormity of anecdotal stories and evidence provided by those who claim incredible health recoveries. Not those from users of Wayne’s water but by any type of colloidal silver water.

There are many plans available for making colloidal silver at home with varying types of equipment from rudimentary 9-volt battery projects to complicated more expensive electronic devices, though there appear to be caveats about the potential for one’s skin turning blue by overconsumption on the 9-volt battery silver. All the various types of silver water colloidals are antibacterial and are good for use in sanitization around the home and abroad.

In 2010, the group of scientists published a paper in Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research where anti-cancer properties of colloidal silver water were demonstrated. Using the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line, the results show a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect that induces apoptosis and cell death in the study.

Check with your medical practitioner before using colloidal silver water with other medications because some medications, such as antibiotics and levothyroxine, may be adversely affected by colloidal silver water. Additionally, silver-lined Foley catheters and certain intravenous tubing have been used in hospitals to reduce urinary and bacterial infections.


Silver Wain Water

Wayne Rowland is the developer of the original Silver Wain Water. His process included using a combination of Tesla and Rife technologies to create an Ionic Silver Water resonating at a B-flat vibration that harmonizes with the same frequency of the earth.

It has been said that this vibration enables the body to move about swiftly and accurately amid Mother Earth’s vibrational frequency.

Many health claims abound though we would not be qualified to recount them. But we know that Wayne’s work and his Silver Wain Water have an incredible track record. We have so many people who maintain that they simply could not live without it. They keep returning for more, and we are proud that he has entrusted us to carry his product.

Wayne’s Silver Wain Water, like most colloidal silver, is credited with the ability to kill over 650 pathogens that may be running amok in the human body.

In a book dedicated to the subject of curing cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc., Dr. Hulda Clark asserts that all diseases are the result of parasites in the body.

Daryl Tichy from Orem Utah reports that colloidal silver kills the AIDS virus.

Anecdotal reports come in from all kinds of people using Rowland’s Silver Wain Water claiming astounding results from a wide variety of ailments including allergies, bad breath, children’s ear infections, colds, flu, hay fever, pneumonia, sore throats.

And if that wasn’t enough, even more reports are coming in from people who claim they have been delivered from such maladies as arthritis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, diabetes, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, herpes, Lyme disease, swollen prostate, syphilis, and yeast infections.

All these claims are consistent with the use of colloidal silvers as well as Wayne’s Silver Water, which also have a proven track record in topical use for treating abrasions, acne, athlete’s foot, cuts, deodorant, pinkeye, poison oak, rashes, skin scrapes, sunburn, and warts.

These claims are verified and published in medical journals. Lab tests have proven that harmful bacteria and fungi are suffocated by silver within minutes of contact.

Silver water has been used for thousands of years, and Wayne’s unique method of manufacture uses Tesla technology to recreate the natural method of Mother Nature’s manufacturing process, resulting in silver that dissolves in Wayne’s purified, deionized, microfiltered, structured water. Rowland uses only other 99.999% pure silver mineral.

Silver Water has advanced the state of the art with maximum saturation for permanent electrical suspension in pure water. Silver Water’s particles are small enough to penetrate the target organisms.

Hospitals stopped using colloidal silver as an antibiotic when drug companies replaced them with patented modern science-based antibiotics in the 1940s. Interestingly, these new antibiotics only target three or four pathogens, while silver water killed over 650 different pathogens.

I think Wayne Rowland was right, it’s time the ancient methods made a comeback, especially if they are more efficient than the best modern science can offer us.

The silver in Silver Wain Water guarantees the silver colloids will never fall out of suspension. The concentration is 3 PPM (3 parts per million).

The much smaller size of the silver bits in Wayne’s Silver Water gives vastly more surface area to emit silver ions. Those emitted silver ions are what smother the pathogens.

Silver Water is the Safest, Most Beneficial Product You Can Put In, and On, Your Body