It appears the hospital where Nurse Nina worked was unprepared to handle the Ebola virus.

The Dallas Nurse, Nina Pham, one of the two nurses who contracted Ebola in Texas at Texas Health Presbyterian, has been transported to the National Institutes of Health isolation unit in Bethesda, Maryland. It appears the hospital where she worked was unprepared to handle the Ebola virus.
They did not supply their health care professional with the correct hazmat suits and face masks. It was said that her neck and chin was exposed to the contaminated air, as well as her mouth and nose.
The Dallas hospital is looking into being even more prepared as the Ebola virus outbreak probability increases. In National Institutes of Health isolation unit a top doctor will personally supervise and develop a plan for the Dallas Nurse’s care.
How to avoid Ebola?
This news from Dallas sounds like “the Ebola virus is airborne!” If everything in Dallas was covered up on the nurses – with gowns, gloves, hoods, legs, feet coverings and a plastic face mask? But it was not all covered up! Their protective suits were open at the neck letting air into the chin, nose, mouth and eyes! Doesn’t this sound like the contaminated air got into their faces! The CDC has said that it is not airborne!!! Well, CDC, how about these two Dallas nurses?
Also an investigation had found that some workers at the Dallas hospital, Texas Health Presbyterian, had layered some of their protective gear and taped their gloves to their hands, both of which can increase the risk of contracting the virus. How can they take off the layers without touching the contaminated gloves?
West Africa suffered a setback Wednesday when Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, one of the top doctors treating the virus patients, caught Ebola, even though he was wearing protective gear. What is this telling us? The fight against Ebola is taking a turn toward it being airborne.
The other Dallas Ebola Nurse, Amber Vinson, ‘Should Not Have Traveled,’ CDC Head Says. She had also contracted Ebola in Dallas and was flown on Wednesday to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. It was reported by the CDC that Emory and NIH units are two of the four facilities in the United States that are specially equipped to handle high contagious diseases such as Ebola.
How can we protect ourselves from Ebola?
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