Sinus Infection Cold and Flu Pneumonia Too

According to a study in 2014 published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology, colloidal silver can help people control sinus infections when used as a nasal spray.

Infections of the sinuses

According to an article published in Frontiers in Microbiology in 2018, colloidal silver nasal rinses are safe and effective for persons with chronic sinusitis when used twice daily for ten days.

The study included 22 patients who received either oral antibiotics and saline rinses twice daily or colloidal silver nasal rinses twice daily. Both forms of treatment improved sinusitis symptoms similarly, and colloidal silver was considered safe if used for ten days in this manner.

A powerful and pure colloidal silver nasal spray product can be purchased or you can add several drops of colloidal silver solution to a “neti pot” for nasual irrigation. You apply it directly into your nasal cavity, tilt your head back while letting it drain down your throat.

Moreover, recent research indicates that hidden infections caused by pathogens may contribute to respiratory inflammation associated with allergies and asthma. Infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are destroyed by colloidal silver, which may explain why airborne allergy sufferers often find relief from it so dramatically.

Colds and flu

It is claimed that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu, including swine flu and the common cold.

It has been difficult to test this clinically, but the NIH split 100 children under the age of 12 into two groups in 2011 with a common cold and nasal congestion. In the first group, colloidal silver and beta glucan solutions were used, while in the second group, saline solutions were used. Although both groups were helped, 90 percent of the colloidal silver group recovered fully.

As published in the Journal of Virological Methods, study of silver nanoparticles have been proven to be anti-H1N1 influenza A virus activity, especially at the early stages of the virus’ spread.

The pneumonitis

When it comes to fighting pneumonia symptoms or bronchitis today’s drugs are limited in their effectiveness and may contail harmful chemicals. In the case of viral pneumonia, antibiotics cannot help at all.

Since colloidal silver has antiviral and antibacterial properties, it can help regardless of the pathogen.

When ingested internally, colloidal silver can help fight bronchitis and pneumonia, but the best way to use it is to breathe it in.

Silver directly contacts the germs that cause bronchitis or pneumonia, and it works quickly, clearing them up within a couple of days.

You can use a nebulizer to get the colloidal silver into your lungs most effectively. Use one teaspoon of colloidal silver approximately 3X a day for 10 to 15 minutes.


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