You might be surprised that you can basically start a new life free from the negative impact of dangerous toxic chemicals around the house by switching from over-the-counter toxic solutions to the pure power of silver water. That’s right, purified, deionized, microfiltered, structured water with 99.999% pure silver in it.
Of course, what we’re talking about is the same Silver Water that utilizes Wayne Rowland’s method for creating ionic silver water using a manmade Tesla lighting process, but the same holds true for colloidal silver made by any method you can get it. However, there are variances in colloidal silver quality, depending on the manufacturer, and quality may also vary among DIT colloidal silver do-it-yourselfers.
There is no doubt that Silver Water is a great bactericide, biocide, disinfectant, fungicide, germicide, microbial, virucide, general pathogen killer, and sanitizer. All this is without any toxic chemicals, and it’s as gentle as water.
It’s hard to believe that there is something out there that is so gentle, yet effective, that it kills pretty much anything that could compromise the otherwise healthy environment that our families inhabit every day. Every day, it’s a constant struggle against harmful bacteria and microorganisms that are contaminating the food we eat, whatever we drink, everything we touch, and even the air that we breathe.
Now, there is a simple one-thing-treats-all approach to home general cleaning and sanitation, and imagine a product that supports good health practices, without burning your eyes or hands. No tearing of the eyes, no toxins, and nothing to harm the environment.
While other products target a particular group of harmful microscopic organisms that could be harmful to our families, colloidal silver kills over 650 known harmful bacteria, compounds, fungi, microbes, molds, neurotoxins, parasites, toxic chemicals, and viruses, without Mr. Yuck stickers.
The secret is, this is no secret. Well, at least it didn’t use to be. For thousands of years, our ancestors relied on the silver to keep us safe from severe health challenges when faced with battling something that could not be seen.
Water was purified by being held in silver pitchers, and those who had the ability to obtain, possess, and use silver goblets, serving goods, and flatware, lived longer, healthier lives than their contemporaries. Prior to the prevalence of refrigeration, your grandparents or great-grandparents probably put a silver dollar in milk to keep it from spoiling quickly.

Little did they know what all silver could do back in the day, but they knew that silver kept them healthier and added years to their healthy lives. It was used in surgeries and hospitals for sanitization in the 1800s until about 1940 when other, more profitable (less effective) commercial products were introduced.
The fanbase of colloidal silver survived in the groups who embraced more natural home remedies, living off the land, folk medicine, and various counter-culturalists, who believed that the old ways were better, regardless of enthusiastic and pervasive advertising claims and pretty packaging. They believed, as their ancestors did, that living naturally and simply, free of toxic chemicals, would help them live happier, longer lives as well.
Wherever there’s yucky stuff, silver water should be there. Anything from the nastiest garbage cans to the smelliest diaper pails can be sanitized and rinsed clean of potentially dangerous bacteria and offensive odors.
As a whole bathroom, toilet, tub, and shower cleaner, colloidal silver neutralizes and wipes away, dirt, muck, mold, mildew, and rust, like it’s nothing.
As a sanitizer, you can keep it in the kitchen, the shop, the mud room, the garage, sanitizing anything from spongers to toilets and their cleaning tools.
If you want to mop the floors? Use not toxic colloidal silver to do the job.
For spot-cleaning, keep a spray bottle ready, within reach, to keep on hand for those little mishaps.
Sanitize everything that gets touched by hands, which is the most popular method of spreading germs around our homes. Wipe down doorknobs, remotes, headphones, computers, keyboards, and phones, whatever is touched is instantly disinfected.
It is getting a little moldy around the plants or hot water heater area? Wipe mold away easily from any surface area without harming the underlying finish.
Gone are the days of worrying about food poisoning (that doesn’t mean you can stop washing your hands) at home in the food prep area because colloidal silver wipes out all food-related bugaboos, including E. coli and salmonella.
Personal care items, toothbrushes, fingernail clippers, razors, combs, and brushes of all kinds can be soaked for safe and rapid sterilization.
In the laundry room, disinfect anything and everything that goes in the washing machine from towels to linens by adding a cup of colloidal silver to the washer’s tub.
Keep kids and grandkids safe by spraying down toys with colloidal silver, especially before and after play days or parties.
Worried about short-term storage in the fridge? Not anymore. Add a tablespoon of colloidal silver to each quart of leftovers, or other food items, to keep them fresh until ready to use.
And wipe down that cheese with colloidal silver before putting it back in the fridge to keep the natural mold at bay.
Home Canning
My grandmother was an avid canner of homegrown fruit and vegetables. She made her own jams, jellies, canned meat, pickles, sauerkraut, anything cannable, she made it and canned it.
Colloidal silver is great for canning! Add a teaspoon before canning and keep your canned goods fresher longer. One ounce per gallon of milk or juice does the job nicely.
Add to condiment containers. leftovers, rub onto cheese before refrigerating.
Spray fruit, vegetables, especially greens, to keep them fresher, longer, when refrigerated.
Use Colloidal Siver in the Garden
Spray colloidal silver on first sign of infection to neutralize and prevent from blight, root rot, and mold. Colloidal silver’s anti-fungal attributes are perfectly matched for high quality gardening.
Involved in hydroponics? Add colloidal silver to tanks to prevent the growth of algae.
Homemade Health and Beauty Products
Are you a do it yourselfer who creates your own DIY health, beauty, or cleaning products?
If you are already making your own soaps, detergents, and cleaners, add a few ounces of colloidal silver to the mist to really kick it up a notch.
Adding colloidal silver to your recipe only makes it better, especially for products including essential oils to get increased efficacy when used.