Tag Archives: colloidal silver fruit flies

Colloidal Silver for Fruit Flies

Say Goodbye to fruit flies thanks to colloidal silver. Taylore keeps a large gallon-sized plastic “mulch” compost container next to the kitchen sink for the collection of fresh fruit and vegetable scraps, such as watermelon rinds, cornhusks, potato peelings, apple peelings, etc. She is an avid organic gardener.

Since there are only two of us in the house, the kids have grown up and gone away. It may take a week to fill that compost bucket with enough food scraps to take outside to the composter.

Sometimes, especially during hot summer months, if the plastic container/compost bucket hasn’t been emptied into the outdoor composter fast enough, we discovered an outbreak of tiny fruit flies in the kitchen.

Take the mulch container/compost bucket outside, dump its contents into the composter, and then thoroughly wash it out before bringing it inside.

One summer day, when we had an outbreak of fruit flies, my wife decided to spray the inside of the container and everything inside with colloidal silver.

Voila! No fruit flies. What happened?

Apparently, fruit flies are voracious eaters. They feed on anything that produces alcohol, including decaying and fermenting fruit and vegetables.

As well as eating decaying/fermenting fruits and vegetables, the flies lay hundreds of eggs at a time.

Spraying colloidal silver on the fruit and veggie scraps in the plastic mulch container temporarily stopped the fermentation/decay process, which eliminated the bacteria helping with the rotting process.

The International Journal of Nanomedicine published a study in 2011 which showed that silver is toxic to the eggs of Drosophila – the genus of flies that includes fruit flies that are attracted to ripe and rotten fruit.

The fact that my wife sprayed her fruit and vegetable mulch with colloidal silver probably killed any fruit fly eggs that had already been laid as well as the bacteria that produce fermentation byproducts that fruit flies feed on!