Tag Archives: b flat silver water

Silver Water Colloidal: A Journey to Your Health and Healing

In the realm of personal healing and wellness, Wayne Rowland underscores the importance of recognizing that self-healing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. He acknowledges, “Some approaches have overall success for application to most people, but that it not always 100% true, as any critic or doctor will tell you.” Silver Water Colloidal is a journey to your health and healing as one takes control of decisions to self-heal and eliminate disease symptoms. Wayne emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual’s body chemistry and holistic makeup, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to address specific health challenges.

Trust Your Healing Coach

According to Wayne, natural alternative specialists play a crucial role in partnering with clients to navigate the complexities of healing. He states, “The relationship between this type of practitioner and the client is very intimate and besides a commitment to healing, openness and honesty are imperative to make any real progress over time.” Wayne encourages individuals to seek practitioners they can trust, fostering an environment conducive to effective healing, and do it while they can because he suggests that pharmaceutical companies are doing everything they can to restrict and eliminate the individual holistic practitioners’ ability to serve others.

Medical Intuitive

Reflecting on his own medical intuitive capabilities, Wayne describes his ability to perceive auric colors around people, indicating physiological issues. He explains, “After attuning my attention to a specific individual, I can often clearly see pathogens, mostly aggressive bacteria, and worms at work inside someone’s body.” While acknowledging that his abilities may not rival those of other practitioners, Wayne utilizes his intuitive insights to guide his approach to healing.

Doctors Say You Don’t Have Worms

Wayne confronts the prevailing disbelief regarding worm infestations in the United States, asserting, “Now, your doctor does not want to hear it, and they will violently defend what they’ve been programmed to believe.” He challenges the notion that parasitic infections are confined to Third World countries, asserting that such problems are prevalent even in developed nations, especially in the USA.

But they don’t want you to know that.

What if all disease is due to pathogenic exploitation including predatory worms?

Wayn Rowland claims to know that indeed, parasites, especially pathogenic spirochetes and predatory worms that have evolved over millions of years are responsible for most disease symptoms. Certainly, there are other pathogens responsible for other collections of disease symptoms, but those are easily destroyed by drinking his B-flat Silver Water. The hardest to kill varieties require a substantial effort, such as Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program. And if any of this were true, it would be the last thing the medical industry would want you to be aware of because it would essentially end their ability to exploit Americans for cash.

Parasites Eat First

Highlighting the impact of parasitic infestations on overall health, Wayne emphasizes the detrimental effects of pathogens consuming essential nutrients intended for the body’s benefit. He warns, “But the worms eat first, then the other parasites that you may be hosting, and if there’s anything left over, you might be healthy enough to process and benefit from that.” In most cases, there’s little, if any, left for the host.

Wayne warns of the advanced and evolved intelligence, consciousness, and survival skills of parasitic worms, noting their ability to sway thoughts and feeling for their benefit and influence on individuals’ cravings for unhealthy foods.

Restoration via Deworming

Wayne concludes by advocating for thorough deworming as a means of restoring balance, eliminating disease symptoms, and unhealthy cravings. He asserts, “Everyone experiences this.”

As counter intuitive as it may appear on the surface, based on Wayne Rowland’s experience, parasites and worms are the root cause of what ails you. He maintains that by eliminating the worms, parasites, and other pathogens that are causing disease symptoms, the disease vanishes as well.

By addressing parasitic infections, individuals can regain control of their health and well-being, paving the way for holistic healing and vitality.

More information can be found in Wayne’s book, Silver Water Colloidal: Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing, available on Amazon.com or at your favorite bookstore.




Regenerative Capability: Silver Water Colloidal B-flat Music

Wayne Rowland, a fervent advocate for Silver Water, asserted, “Silver Water has incredible properties that surpass those available in garden variety colloidal silvers.” He emphasized, “Even the most rudimentary colloidal silvers have anti-microbial properties that can offer life-saving efficacy.”

Regarding his intentions behind Silver Water’s creation, Rowland stated, “My intention was to use a hybrid Tesla/Rife technology to create a consistently effective colloidal silver.” He explained, “I wanted something stable and consistent that also was energized with the musical frequencies of the healthy earth, specifically the three notes of the B-flat chord.”

Silver Music Water

Expressing concern about the earth’s declining frequencies due to its increasing wobble, Rowland remarked, “I was concerned about how our healthy bodies were faltering due to the lack of these frequencies that used to surround us all the time.” He passionately declared, “So, Silver Water became the musical catalyst for infusing these frequencies back into our human biology.”

Highlighting the effects of his Tesla/Rife B-flat major chord infused Silver Water music on human biology, Rowland emphasized, “The music has a profound effect on human biology helping to align the energy of the body to this harmonistic synergy that just makes everything good easier.” He added, “Anything that is not a match for resonant human harmony will have a harder time at becoming more pervasive.”

Parasite Attacks in the USA

In battling serious health ailments, individuals may find themselves facing a formidable opponent—a parasitic force seeking to overpower the body’s defense systems and assert dominion over one’s health status. Wayne reflected on this struggle, noting, “The problem is, most of us have bodies that are so heavily polluted with crud, crap, and corruption that we’re lucky to be alive at all.” He highlighted the detrimental impact of the Standard American Diet (SAD), designed to perpetuate a prolonged state of deterioration while keeping individuals alive enough to sustain the medical industry’s financial interests.

Moreover, Wayne underscored how the SAD fosters an environment conducive to parasitic worms and other predators, thriving once they gain access to the body. He remarked, “It doesn’t take much; eating a dark green leafy salad, any commercially available processed food, drinking water, or breathing the air, no matter how hard you try, you can never stop these parasites from breaching your best defense systems.” He emphasized the vulnerability of bodies weakened by a system designed to deplete natural resources by any means possible making Americans even more susceptible to becoming breeding grounds and effectively hatching microscopic eggs that might have otherwise passed through a healthier body unnoticed.

Wayne Rowland’s Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program has gained wide support as a defense tactic for pervasive parasite depopulation in the human body including worms. Interestingly, American medicine maintains there is no parasitic worm problems in the USA as such things are only a problem in Third World countries, which according to Rowland is highly suspect. According to Wayne, “Think about it: If your pet has worms, you have the same worms.” and contending that if you deworm your pets, you should also be dewormed.

Colloidal Silver Regeneration Science Project

Colloidal silver possesses a regenerative quality featured in middle school science projects where students create a primitive colloidal silver solution using a 9-volt battery.  The student picks two flowers from the same bush, puts one in water and lets the other out in the sun to die. The student then places the dried and wilted flower into the freshly created colloidal silver and the flower comes back to life. Wayne Rowland’s Silver Water excels exponentially in regeneration of skin, tissue, and nerve networks.

Burn Victims


Reflecting on the regenerative capabilities of his Silver Water, Wayne recounted his experiences assisting individuals with extreme burns. Moved by compassion, he offered aid to burn victims, recalling, “I could not help but be deeply moved and offer to at least try to help them.” He marveled at the results, including the regrowth of burned tissue and new scar-free skin, which exceeded his expectations and showcased the remarkable potential of Silver Water in promoting healing and regeneration.

He shared, “I began a program to offer my water to children who had suffered from disfiguring burns to help give them hope for a normal life, and the results… well, it meant more to me to be able to help these little people than probably anything I’ve ever done in my life.”




Wayne Rowland – Parasites… The Silent Killers Tesla Tech Video

In a rare moment, Wayne Rowland allowed himself to be captured on video while presenting at the Global Sciences Congress in Tampa Florida.  Thankfully, we learn much about Wayne in this video.


Wayne Roland shares a compelling story about his life, emphasizing its challenging and transformative nature. Born on a North Dakota Indian reserve, he was raised by a shaman and his wife after his young mother couldn’t cope. His early focus was on accessing information from “God’s banquet table” to survive.

Despite never attending school, he learned to read and write using an 1840s engineering encyclopedia, revealing ancient engineering principles that are now being recognized again.

Wayne’s desire to become an engineer faced rejection, leading him to establish a successful fur trading group. He eventually bought his own engineering firm and built government buildings. However, a tragic accident during a contract left him severely burned and suffering from lead poisoning. He became a member of the “to die with dignity” club but defied the odds with a miraculous intervention.

A fellow named Ray Schmidt sent Wayne a unique remedy for lead poisoning, prompting a remarkable recovery. Wayne faced challenges, including cancer and arthritis, emerging as a survivor with a profound understanding of life and health. The story hints at Wayne’s discoveries about overcoming life’s hurdles and offers insights into his journey of resilience.

He challenges common health practices, stating that typical vitamin programs hit a wall, especially as people age. Wayne claims to have found a way to overcome this barrier, emphasizing the importance of deworming.

He criticizes the conventional belief that parasites are only a problem in third-world countries, asserting that everyone has a parasite issue. Wayne recounts his personal experience, deworming himself and extracting eight to ten-inch parasites, leading him to deworm over a hundred thousand people with notable improvements.

See: Wayne’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol

Wayne introduces the concept of vibration and frequency, suggesting that changing one’s vibration through deworming can force parasites to leave or die within the body. He discusses the relationship between parasites and various health issues, including cancer, arthritis, and bad breath.

Wayne emphasizes the prevalence of parasites in everyday foods and how they enter the body through osmosis. He proposes a deworming program, claiming success in addressing conditions like diabetes, Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue, and Candida.

Additionally, Wayne delves into the impact of parasites on thymus function, the development of warts, and even hair loss. He introduces a deworming program that he claims has helped individuals regain their health and addresses various associated health challenges.

Wayne Roland concludes his presentation by discussing the practical applications of the unique colloidal silver wain water he produces. He suggests using the water for various health issues, such as treating children’s eye infections, pink eye, and chronic ear infections. Wayne claims that the FDA is now aware of the water’s effectiveness and is implementing measures to restrict its promotion and availability.

He expresses concern about upcoming FDA regulations, stating that after a certain date, individuals won’t be able to freely discuss or purchase silver water. Wayne sees this as a form of censorship and warns the audience about the impending restrictions on health-related discussions. He mentions that colloids are being removed from the market, leaving people unable to read about or buy effective health solutions.

Wayne then transitions to discussing age regression and introduces a human growth hormone boost that he claims can make individuals look and feel younger. He acknowledges potential side effects related to increased performance in men and emphasizes the limited availability of this product due to anticipated regulatory changes.

He touches on additional health tips, such as Lugol’s iodine for combating Candida and promoting general health. Wayne briefly mentions his workshop, where he plans to teach a step-by-step program on accessing God’s banquet table for spiritual experiences.


Worms Are Killing You!

Wayne concludes with a discussion of Nikola Tesla’s time travel devices, asserting that he owns one of Tesla’s original devices that can transport individuals to another planet. He expresses excitement about future inventions, such as a gasoline device that doubles gas mileage, and promises to demonstrate the second-dimensional time unit at a future event. Wayne bids farewell, expressing his hope for people to achieve better health and happiness.


Wayne Rowland’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol.

Wayne Rowland believed that most diseases were the result of any variety of parasites and worms in the human body. Due to his performing extensive parasite cleansing and deworming of himself and individuals diagnosed and suffering from “incurable disease” with tremendous results, Wayne Rowland shared his perspective on parasites and worms, including his parasite cleanse which he refers to as the Clean Me Up Program.

Parasites and Worms

The problem of parasite eggs being present in vegetables and salad dressings is overwhelming. When these eggs hatch in the body, they can cause various health issues, such as flukes in the bloodstream and parasites in the pancreas. The waste produced by these parasites can lead to complications like diabetes when it affects the pancreas.

To address these issues, Wayne developed a parasite cleanse package that is built around his Silver Water and a dewormer.

Wayne Rowland was so confident that his solutions would work that he officered a money-back guarantee for diabetics who followed the deworming package and used his Silver Water. Remarkable recoveries were reported, with individuals reducing or eliminating insulin intake and regaining their health.

Wayne also maintained the effectiveness of the deworming package was immensely powerful in treating breast tumors, which he attributed to parasites affecting the thymus and thyroid glands. By eliminating parasites and restoring proper functioning to these glands, the strength of stomach acid improved, reducing the risk of mold growth and conditions like Candida.

Overall, Wayne’s approach focuses on combating parasites and worms as a means to improve various health conditions, disease, and promote overall well-being.

For those who are not allergic to shellfish or iodine, Lugol’s iodine can be an effective remedy for Candida overgrowth. Taking six drops of Lugol’s iodine three times a day for three days can eliminate mold, fungus, and Candida in the stomach. Lugol’s iodine is an affordable solution for these issues.

Furthermore, leukemia and lupus can be successfully addressed through deworming and the use of his Silver Water. He reported an 80% success rate in treating these conditions.

Wayne Rowland asserts that for conditions like emphysema and asthma, there are translucent white worms living in the lungs.

Worms and parasites are transmitted to humans from pets, and no one is resistant to them. Deworming is so important and has historical roots. Prior to 1940 doctors dewormed patients regularly, which lead to better overall health.

Wayne believed that any variety of disease or ailment causing concerns regarding failing health and mortality could benefit from using his Silver Water and deworming protocol.

Wayne Rowland often testified regarding his own health recovery when he suffered from critically fatal lead poisoning, stomach and esophagus cancer, and high blood pressure through deworming.

Wayne insists that deworming has been effective in treating depression, manic depression, and migraine headaches, attributing these conditions to worms and parasites.

Wayne Rowland’s B-flat Silver Water

Wayne Rowland’s Wain Water was and has been available under the brand name, “Silver Water.” What makes Wayne’s water different from other forms of colloidal silver by the method by which it is created.

Tesla Water

Wayne, an avid collector of original Tesla technology, discovered a way to harness Tesla lightning to create a powerful form of colloidal silver. However, they have diverged from the traditional approach of using parts per million (ppm) concentrations. Instead, they focus on controlling the Hertz rate of lightning and directing it through Tesla lightning bolts that strike pure silver plates in a Pyrex container. The lightning causes boiling molecules on the silver’s surface, which then explode into the rain in a colloidal silver solution with angstrom-sized particles.

This highly charged Tesla Colloidal Silver transmits its properties through water, vibrating at the Hertz rate of a B-flat note.

Wayne often shared success stories of using this solution on third-degree burn patients, where the spray application resulted in regrowth of ears and noses without scarring. He emphasized the healing potential of this method and its ability to broadcast the B-flat note’s beneficial effects throughout the body.


Click here for the full Clean Me Up Program.