Tag Archives: wain silver water

Recounting Wayne Rowland’s Stories About Silver Water

A Ph.D. researcher, author, and friend of Wayne Rowland, Herb Roi Richards, recounts stories told to him first-hand by Wayne about his creation of Wain Water, his colloidal silver product known simply as “Silver Water.”

Silver solutions made in a high-tech facility by bombarding the silver metal with manmade lightning make more and smaller silver bits. Since there are more of them per ounce of solution that adds up to more surface area to emit silver ions which contain all of the healing power of silver.

Since silver is a soft metal, any fluid including the air causes the ions to be emitted so the more surface area the more healing power.

It is commonly believed that the parts per million of silver in a solution cause the healing function to happen, but it is the silver ions that disable the pathogens.

The number of silver ions is controlled by the surface area of the silver particles which determines the healing efficiency.

In other words, more ions rather than more parts per million is the aim, and this is accomplished best with manmade lightning.

In ancient times the local healer would place a silver container full of clean water where lightning usually strikes, watch it being struck, and use that water to help the sick.

The only change is now we don’t have to wait for a storm to have proper silver ion water.


Herb Roi Richards worked with Wayne Rowland to spread the news about alternative healing methodologies, they along with David M Masters put on seminars around the Pacific Northwest and held classes hosted by the Reiki Ranch in Chehalis, Washington. Rowland and Richards co-authored, “Silver Water Colloidal” which was printed by Masters for seminar attendees only.

The book has been re-released and is now available on Amazon.com.