Wayne Rowland Creator of Silver Wain Water and Nikola Tesla.

Born on a Native American Reservation and raised under the tutelage of a shaman, Wayne Rowland is a “sensitive” with remarkable powers of perception and insight. For many years, he has studied the diverse world of metaphysics and has worked extensively with the ideas and equipment developed by Nikola Tesla.

Wayne is an entertaining and humorous speaker who reads the aura or energy of the group to determine the direction his talk should take.

He is also an inventor who, in his own words, “goes directly to God’s banquet table” for ideas and inspiration. From this same table, he will often draw or “channel” information during the course of his presentations.

Wayne was drawn into the field of health, science, and alternative medicine seventeen years ago when faced with his own life-threatening health challenges after being embedded in a wall by a lead explosion. Hospital doctors offered little hope of recovery. His life was saved, finally, not by the best medical team available but by a priest who presented him with blue-green algae to ingest and form into poultices.

Wayne left the hospital with his faith in the medical establishment severely shaken. Lead residue in his body subsequently resulted in the development of stomach and esophagus cancer. When he once again sought medical help, he was told: “Try chemotherapy.” Upon researching the proposed treatment, he discovered that the FDA – approved chemotherapy was in fact a form of mustard gas – used as a poison in World War I.

Enough! This was Wayne’s last visit to a doctor. He made a conscious decision to become totally responsible for his own health and began to look to the past for health care solutions that would not be controlled by the drug cartels.

In his search, Wayne first investigated the work of Royal Rife and the Rife microscope. Next came Wilhelm Reich with his devices. Finally, Wayne focused his attention on the ideas and technology of Nikola Tesla, and why this information has been suppressed. Together, with a small group of scientists, he has been building Tesla-inspired devices ever since.

Based on his findings, Wayne left his interests in Rife and Reich technologies to focus entirely on Tesla’s technologies. Utilizing Nikola Tesla’s technologies, he uses Tesla’s manmade lightning to create Silver Wain Water, which is available today under the simple brand name Silver Water.


One thought on “Wayne Rowland Creator of Silver Wain Water and Nikola Tesla.”

  1. How may I get access to hgh and any course work I may learn from ? I have colostrum. Bryan Johnson is on a similar vector…5 million dollar man. Keshe gans technology is a plasma described as ‘gas at nano State ”
    We are all approaching the removal of the brick-wall of 120 years as dna limitations.
    Thank you for doing what I can.

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